This Melancholia

Suranga D Wijeratne
The 2 AM Cafe
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2023

I sensed it at first like dark orb

In a corner of my mind.

In the sea of thought,

Waves crashed upon a shore.

That orb slowly starts to move,

From the corner it appeared.

First a small feeling here and there.

A darker solemn heaviness in the waves.

The orb decent slowly to the shore,

Till it starts to pollute the sand.

Dark streaks appear, on the white sand,

Pulsating and traversing the shore.

The waves only seem to help it spread.

A miscalculation here,

A misunderstanding there,

The Sand is now almost black.

Everything is Dark.

The sand is so dark, the waves and shore blur into each other.

It is a difficult darkness,

So deep with nothingness,

Not even a story

Not a mystery

Not a feeling

Just an Absence.


Like a black hole

It’s the most densest feeling,

Sucking in everything.


In the darkness something is struggling.

A smile,

A nod,

A Hi,

In the deep deep darkness

A battle is raging.

It happens gradually,

Small slivers of silver break through the dark dark sand.

slowly stretching, meeting, encircling darkness.

Before you know it

The dark sand is no more,

The Orb ascends above the shore, fleeing the shimmering sand.

It dissolves slowly while ascending

However, before it dissolves completely, it seems to find a corner.

And it remains there

silently abiding its time.



Suranga D Wijeratne
The 2 AM Cafe

Software Engineer | Think of random subjects | Atheist kind of | Idea man