7 Lessons From My First $50+ Article On Medium

You know what’s kinda funny?

I wrote an article about the Pareto principle.

And it became my Pareto principle of all of my articles.

This one article accounts for 80% of all the revenue generated in the month of December.

So what did I do?

I sat down and analyzed it for lessons.

I have NO idea if these insights are correct, they’re just my theories.

I’m going to test them out in the following months so only time will tell.

Here are the 7 lessons I learned from my first $50+ Medium article

Lesson #1: A good title & a good image is everything.

I knew that a good title typically had a few elements, and apparently I put them together in the right combination here.

Here are the elements I used.

After I included a good title, I made sure the image I used was of something they’d like to achieve, so naturally I used midjourney to…

