Penn Fight Shows UFC’s Concern For Fighters

David Weintraub
The 2 Minute Thrill


I’ve known BJ Penn for over 11 years, having written his biography and maintained a relationship with him over that time, which vacillates between very good and not at all. These days it’s not very good, and his decision to fight is representative of why.

He has consistently put himself into bad positions time and time again, beginning with the 2010 loss to Frankie Edgar (which he actually won). Since that fight in Boston Penn’s record is 1–4–1, and none of the losses have been that close.

Before last night’s fight I wrote on Twitter, “I‘d prefer he get choked out 20 seconds in than win in 5 rounds.”

Why? Because despite the fact we are no longer close, I still care about his well being, as well as the future for his wife and children. That’s more than I can say for the UFC, as evident last night. And this is hardly the first time they have jeopardized a fighter’s future health, nor do I think it will be the last.

Nearly everyone I communicated with yesterday believed a fight with Yair Rodriguez would be an extremely one-sided affair, so it is hard to believe Dana White, et al, believed otherwise. To expect Penn to ably defend himself against a younger, bigger, stronger and faster striker after having seen Penn’s previous performances is not naive, but willfully ignorant.

The organization should strive to protect fighters who cannot protect themselves, and Sunday was a clear indication they‘re not interested in that.

When it was clear Chuck Liddell would no longer be fighting White was “relieved” to hear it. It’s because the two are close friends. White’s relationship with Penn has never been great, so what happens to Penn is less of a concern to him.

Finally, Penn’s family, the people he most listens to, and usually to his detriment. For them to support him in this fight, and to not have lobbied the UFC to make sure he didn’t fight, is just awful. No truly loving family would allow one of their own to jeopardize their health in such a way, but Penn’s family has seemingly never cared much about that. Last night was the final piece of evidence, at least from a fighting perspective.

Penn and I rarely communicate anymore and it’s because I have spoken my mind to him, which has been contrary to those he surrounds himself with. Unfortunately, he has listened to the wrong people for far too long, and I don’t see it changing. But if he needs a reminder of why he needs to be surrounded by better people all he needs to do is watch last night’s fight.

And maybe do some reading about CTE.



David Weintraub
The 2 Minute Thrill

Writer/Editor of the Two Minute Thrill, Sports Talk Radio Host, and former UFC/MMA writer and producer.