It was always crowded.

All the sounds begin to blend together once you’ve walked this sidewalk so many times. Horns, heels and soles, and the rumble of everyone talking over each other. You learn to keep your Starbucks close to the chest as you weave through the sea that is suits and blouses.

Comfort was an advantage I had over the suits in my button down and jeans. Every time I thought about how uncomfortable their shoes were it made me feel a little better inside. The stares used to bother me but I’ve long gotten past that, some suits even give me a polite nod of recognition.

Watching the contortion on some of their faces is something I do regularly. It usually happens to the ones with an iPhone pressed to their ear. The furrowing of the eyebrows and a suddenly intense look tell the whole story. Avoiding these people is priority number one.

Differences in appearance and purpose were rare to see and when another like myself came into view we usually matched smiles. However, I got much more than that today.

The walk sign changed and the two waves of solid black and blue were headed into the middle of the intersection. I was on one side of this wave and calmly moved through with practiced precision, until a hint of faded green to the left caught my eye.

It was headed in the opposite direction, a mere speck in the wave we just combined with. As we came closer to crossing paths I began to see her more clearly. A green button down matched with skin tight khaki capris, and a Starbucks tea pressed close to the chest. We made eye contact.

My pace slowed slightly. That was a mistake. I felt the shoulder press into my back jerking me forward. My styrofoam cup didn’t take kindly to that motion. I looked down and a splotch of coffee could now be found in the middle of my shirt.

Looking up again, the faded green was gone. I turned around fast enough to see her looking back as well. A wry smile on her face.

On the other side of the street I moved to the front of a building to look back at the path I had just walked. Nothing.

I pulled out my phone. 7:54 AM. The morning meeting could wait.

As soon as I jumped back into the black and blue mass doubt began to creep in. Chasing something I thought I saw. Isn’t it a little creepy you’re chasing someone you don’t know. Stalker much? But she smiled, right?

My steps had been re-traced almost halfway home. What am I doing?

8:12 AM. Sure enough, Bill was calling to see where I was. Ignore. When you’re one of the co-founders you can do these kinds of things.

Whatever, I resigned my phone back into my pocket and moved to a place on the sidewalk where I wouldn’t be mowed down by suits. Drudgingly, I turned around.

No one said anything when I walked into the conference room. Bill gave his usual eye scowl but that stopped working on me a long time ago. As the conference call wrapped up and the other employees began leaving I stayed behind. Sitting just felt good right now.

Of course Bill stayed behind as well. Being seven years my senior he had this weird fatherly complex towards me. After looking me up and down for a few seconds his gaze softened. He took one long deep breath, slowly stood, and headed towards the door.

I was alone.

I subconsciously pulled out my phone and stared at the home screen. No notifications. 9:04 AM.

The day continued with half my attention. I looked to the left at the corner of my desk. 3:40 PM. I closed my laptop and headed for the elevator.

When the door opened I froze with my mouth agape.

“You, ok?”

To be continued…….



Isaiah Reed
The 20 something life

Sports and technology are my passion. This is a space to bring those musings together with other randomness.