The Truth Is…

The world is filled with positive energy.

Joanne Morton
The 2X CEO


The Truth is we are now living in the 21st Century. We are in the midst of a huge evolutionary transition on our planet. I know I’m not the only one who is feeling the spiritual collective growing.

Many of us are meeting others who strive to live a heart centered life. A life that allows you to co-exist with others in a peaceful and prosperous manner.

The Truth is the collective conscious is getting stronger as more of us are on personal journeys of Self Discovery. This is a powerful asset for those of us who have the courage to do the work it takes to live from the heart and spirit.

For me, taking those first few steps on my spiritual quest were difficult. I had to feel my fears. I had to find the confidence to experience new feelings while becoming more comfortable with my old ones.

Once I was committed to honoring my spirit-self, I also had to accept that the journey to self discovery was a little tedious. Because once you have embarked on the road to deeper understanding, you can never turn back.

The Truth is, I am doing my best, every day, to have the courage to share Magic Passion Love — even if it’s a little scary sometimes. However when I allow myself to feel the fear, it strengthens my conviction to keep moving forward on this journey to be my best self.

The Truth is, allowing my magic, feeling my passion and living my love has guided me to be a part of a wonderful community in Savannah, GA. I am surrounded by so many people who are committed to enriching quality of life for all.

The Truth is, I still sometimes doubt that I have what it takes to manifest my ideal life however, even when I feel doubt, I keep finding the courage to take inspired action. My first big bold leap of courage was in 2010 when I left New York City to travel around the country, my only plan was to share the ideas of Magic Passion Love and build a hanging mobile. It was my faith in the ideas of the law of attraction, angels, affirmations, gratitude and positive mindset that allowed me to be guided to the next steps of my journey.

The Truth is doubting myself is starting to bore me.

The Truth is doubting myself is starting to bore me. I have enough information now to know that we truly are powerful beings of pure divine energy who can accomplish whatever we put our attention to.

All I need to do remember the truth that I know, we are in the midst of a huge evolutionary transition on our planet and everyone has a part to play.

To experience the truth, all I need to do is share my Magic, my Passion, my Love and then the WOW happens. The world needs my WOW just as much as it needs your WOW.

If I share my WOW— will you share yours?

Below are pictures of the Magic Passion Love Manifesting Mobile — a hanging mobile that reflects the wishes and dreams of people across the country. This is a vision board for humanity. For more information — visit:



Joanne Morton
The 2X CEO

I am a Positive Energy Artist. I collaborate with people to make art creates conversation & action to heal our planet and ourselves.~