To make a difference in the world….
You must be different from the world

Marilyn Jackson
The 2X CEO
Published in
4 min readJul 17, 2017

I wasn’t buying it. I had to be convinced that spending time on building a Brand was necessary. I was pushed outside of my comfort zone by my dear younger colleagues, who put me in front of the camera and on social media sites. They literally created something from nothing meaning they created for me this “Brand” of who they thought I was. When they finished, I was awed.

I began to notice the impact that being visible had on my message and my ability to be heard across the globe. I love how it elevated my ability to grow my small business. I began to get invitations for panel and keynote speaking engagements. It was the right thing to do. But there was one thing that was troubling to me. I didn’t like what I saw when I looked at my online photos. I wanted to change my image and that meant giving real attention to it. It’s been an enlightening awakening and I’ve documented my journey to share the major steps you must take to create your Authentic Brand.

#1: Professional Pictures are a must.

My initial photos came from my cell phone. Both Android and Apple. Nice pics but no where near the quality photos you need for your Authentic Brand. These pics have their place, but they should not be a substitute for professional, high quality photographs. This doesn’t mean spending thousands of dollars with an elaborate photo shoot. Natural light photographs taken by a professional are often the best.

#2 Outfits Matters.

Cameras don’t like patterns, so forget the plaids and polka dots. Instead opt for solid colors that compliment your complexion to create stand out photos. Also pay attention to your background. The right outfit and the wrong background could prove disastrous. Trust me on this one. Getting shots with several different looks is the goal. Pull together two or three great looks and place them against complimentary backgrounds to get that Authentic Brand you desire. I found myself using the same old picture over and over again and after a while, it didn’t even look like me, nor did it display my Brand. Keep your images fresh by continuously getting new shots. This will become very important as you engage in speaking and digital media events.

#3 Professionals are Worth It. Hire a Pro.

Make the Investment. As a small business owner or entrepreneur, I know that resources can get thin. But believe me when I say that this is an investment you want to make for your long-term growth and success. When doing professional shots, you want to look your best. Getting right from head to toe for your photos is a must. That makeup artist works miracles. That stylist and image consultant offers you their impeccable eye and recommendations for what to wear. They are all worth the investment. Remember your image will be the first thing you present and you want it to be the best representation of yourself possible.

#4 Be Intentional

Know what look(s) you’re trying to achieve. Candid shots versus posed shots convey different meanings and are used for different things. Being able to communicate your desire to the photographer will create outstanding results for the look you’re trying to achieve.

Both horizontal and vertical shots will be necessary to build your online presence. So, before you get in front of the camera or invest your hard-earned dollars to secure professionals, KNOW THE LOOKS YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE.

#5 Be Free and enjoy the journey.

My first time in front of the camera, I literally looked like a moose in the middle of an arena. There was nothing natural, fun or photographic that came out of that photoshoot. I couldn’t loosen up. I didn’t understand that my subconscious feelings would be captured in every photo. It was awful. The next time around, things got better. I released my rigid nature and thought of long walks on the beach. That always makes me smile and puts me in a better place.

The photos were better, but still not the look I desired. I tried again, this time, I forgot the camera was there. I released all inhibitions and shame into the atmosphere. My advice is to jump, stoop, lean, wave, whatever. Have no inhibitions. A professional photographer knows how to capture the right essence. Before you do your photoshoot, do something fun to make sure you’re in a jovial mindset. Don’t take yourself to seriously. Now go have fun and be Authentically You!



Marilyn Jackson
The 2X CEO

Tech Evangelist | Thought Leader| Blockchain Guru | 5G | AI | Wireless | Smart Cities | Tech Futures | Retooling the Workforce