We’re looking for a few good brains,

Alicia Scott
The 2X CEO
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2 min readNov 22, 2016

Welcome to the inaugural newsletter for BeEpic — a Medium publication for aspiring and experienced writers who feel they have something important to share with the world.

BeEpic is looking for a few fresh minds to write in the publication! Interested?

Here are the deets*: All viewpoints are welcome at BeEpic, so no subject is off limits! Though, we do draw the line at “hateful” rhetoric; but not at conservative or liberal views.

What we love: Stories that are real, heartfelt, and helpful! You don’t have to be a journalist or an experienced writer. We just want genuine stories from genuine writers.

What’s it pay?: Nothing right now. Sorry. But, you can totally build your own personal brand, business or audience via BeEpic!

Disclaimers: Our views at BeEpic do not require that you share them. Most of our writers have an MSU* and we invite you to implement this credential, should you be accepted as a writer in BeEpic.

Interested? If so, email me via Medium.

Finally, to our subscribers we hope you have enjoyed the articles in BeEpic. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Until next time…Be Epic,

Alicia Scott, Publisher

Definitions: deets-short pseudo-intellectual slang for “details.” founded in Santa Monica, CA circa 1998.| MSU- acronym for “Makes Stuff Up” with the option of using any “s” word one chooses. Users of MSU are encouraged to let their moral convictions guide their “s” word substitutions. | Writers in BeEpic are not required to use the MSU credential.

My time as a staffer working for the Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign (Bernie 2016)



Alicia Scott
The 2X CEO

Executive Director of Launchpad2X | Tedx Speaker 2018 | GA State House Candidate 2018| I grow women millionaires