265…Over It

CJ Pomerantz
The 309 Day Project
2 min readFeb 15, 2018

My original plan today was to share pictures of Brynn in her super cute Valentine’s outfits, and talk about how she and Leigh are the most important thing in the world to me.

Then I stumbled across this article about Kelli Ward. And was planning to write about this, and media literacy, and how important it is. Go ahead and read it today, I’m going to write that post, but things changed today obviously.

Today we had the 18th school shooting of the year. Today is the 45th day of the year. We’re averaging a school shooting every 2.5 days. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

From the right we’ll hear about thoughts and prayers. We’ll hear about how this isn’t the right time to talk about it. We’ll hear about good guys with guns. Here’s what I think about that. (I was actually wrong about the number, because there have been so many school shootings this year that I lost track.)

On the left we’re going to hear all kinds of things that show that most of the people talking don’t know shit about firearms, or the laws that are currently in place. It’s going to make them easy to dismiss, even though everyone knows that they are right that something needs to be done.

And once again, nothing will happen.

The worst thing about it is that the answer isn’t actually that hard.

You just need to treat guns EXACTLY the same way that you treat cars. Training, registration, testing, licensing of both user and the machine itself. Require owners insurance, and make owners liable for crimes committed with their machine.

And before you bring up the second amendment, even Scalia admitted that the second amendment allowed for some regulation of firearms in Heller.

I am pessimistic that any thing will actually be done, but there’s one thing that keeps me hopeful.

Here’s those pictures of Brynn in her Valentine’s outfit that I promised at the top.

OH! And she cut her first tooth today!

264 days until we can maybe get some people in who want to make a change…



CJ Pomerantz
The 309 Day Project

A product manager who reads and writes about tech, marketing, crossfit, and politics. Not necessarily in that order.