274…First Time I missed

CJ Pomerantz
The 309 Day Project
2 min readFeb 6, 2018

So yesterday I missed writing for the first time this year. It probably won’t be the last. Life happens and I won’t always be able to get everything I want done in a day. And that’s fine.

But then I was going to skip again today. I’m not sure why, but writing has gotten tougher the last week than it was the month before. Maybe because I’m using up some of my creative juice on work. Maybe because work is making me more tired, or maybe it’s just that writing about the same story over and over again is exhausting and depressing. I am starting to understand how Hillary felt in 2016. I have an idea of something I want to write about, but then Trump does something insane, and I feel like I need to respond to it.

I think that is going to be the biggest challenge for democrats. In 2016 democrats had the better message, but we had the weaker candidate, and on top of that we had a candidate who worked like a terrorist. The old cliche about the FBI/Police/Defense is that they have to have a 100% success rate. If terrorists get even 1 out of 1000 plots successfully executed they win. So the best plan for terrorists is to have 100s of potential plans in action at any given time, and dare the FBI to knock them all down.

Trump’s campaigning was like that. He threw out dozens and dozens of things that needed to be responded to, and if you missed a single one, he scored a point. Anyways, I suppose this rambling stream of consciousness is good enough for today’s writing to count.




CJ Pomerantz
The 309 Day Project

A product manager who reads and writes about tech, marketing, crossfit, and politics. Not necessarily in that order.