I Talked To One Of YouTube’s Rising Film Photographers: KingJvpes

Benjamin Greenwood
The 35mm
3 min readApr 16, 2018


If you aren’t already familiar with Jonathan Paragas, or KingJvpes as he’s known on Instagram and Youtube, he is a film photographer from California, USA. Jonathan is known for his insightful weekly Youtube videos, impressive street photography and transparent documentation of how a new generation of film shooters are learning and developing the analog craft.

I’ve been following KingJvpes on YouTube for some time now, since I started shooting film, in fact! His videos have really helped mould me as a photographer, so I was keen to chat to him. I sent him an instagram DM out of the blue, unsure if he’d see it/reply to it. Thankfully, he came through and shared some of his thoughts on the film world, so thank you, Jonathan!

Anyway, here it is, The 35mm’s Exclusive chat with KingJvpes:

The 35mm: So, when did you start shooting film?

JP: I was into photography beforehand but I started shooting film about two years ago and what really got me into it was one of the photographer vloggers I watched on YouTube. They started shooting film and I got so intrigued I went out and got a film camera for myself.

The 35mm: Why do you think a new generation of photographers, such as yourself, are turning to film?

JP: I think a new generation are taking up film because

1.) They are seeing others who are their age doing it, and realising it’s still a thing.

2.) Film cameras have a retro look and can add aesthetic to their outfits and such (unfortunately yes a lot of people use film cameras as accessories).

3.) It’s an inexpensive way to get great results without having to buys out $1000+ dollars for a pro DSLR or mirrorless system.

The 35mm: Who is your biggest photographic inspiration, and why?

JP: My biggest inspiration comes from Henri Cartier-Bresson. The way he utilised his surroundings to create an image is just absolutely mind blowing.

The 35mm: What’s your favourite bit of kit?

JP: It’s got to be my Voigtlander Bessa r2a with a 35mm 2.5 Color Skopar.

The 35mm: Finally, what would you say to someone who’s thinking of taking up film photography?

JP: My advice for those taking up film is to watch a TON of YouTube! The tutorials on there hold extremely valuable information. Also remember that film cameras are NOT like digital cameras. You can get the same result with a cheap body compared as you will with an expensive one. I’d say; spend your money on the lenses, good quality lenses will give you sharper images, not the camera body!

Also have fun with it and encourage more people to shoot film, it’s a dying art but for those that shoot it, we all know. The only way to keep the fire burning is to get other people to shoot film as well. Long live film and #Minoltagang

If you don’t follow him already, be sure to check out KingJvpes on Instagram (kingjvpes) and on Youtube.

This article originally appeared on the-35mm.com

