Calling All Writers and Readers : New Series Alert!!

Jasmin Oliver
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1 min readNov 6, 2019

A fellow writer of Authentics has posted a vulnerable and raw article:

Which has lead me to starting a series for Authentic writers and readers. If you haven’t submitted an article yet and still looking for something to rev up your creative engine this might be it.

The topic is :

Thing’s We’ve Agreed Not to Talk About

You can apply this to relationship stories, self inflicted thoughts, and old beliefs about yourself that you carry everyday with you. What are the topics of your life that have been kept secret but influences your entire life?

The idea is to release it into words and share it. Put it out in the open so it’s seen, acknowledge, and has the potential to be released.

Directions to Add Article to Series

If you want your article to be submitted into the series

  • Title your article as you would normally
  • Add your picture as you would normally
  • At the end of your article put

“Thing’s We’ve Agreed Not to Talk About” and I will take care of the rest. I’m excited to read what’s submitted!

