Heart Triggered Awakenings : He Woke Me

Briana Oliver
Published in
1 min readJul 10, 2018

He came and he went.

He gave and then he took.

He flew by my eyes with such grace, that the pain of his absence cradled and kept me warm.

I would rather live in his abandonment then not live with him at all.

His bright green eyes and intense passion to experience life unforgivingly set a fire in my body that I smothered long ago.

He broke the locks into my brain and vandalized my mind with his love.

Running up and down my soul flicking on lights in my being until I spilled the contents of what was supposed to be kept in that secret basement I created to keep safe.

He exposed me.

He ruined me in the most beautiful way. He abused me in the most selfless sense. He was fleeting. He came and he went. But the damage was done.

My spiritual awakening has begun. And it cant be anymore excruciatingly beautiful.

