Heaven and Hell

A Personal Perspective

Jake Harper
4 min readDec 23, 2018


Photo By Jeroným Pelikovský

I have decided to record here, two events that occurred when I was younger. Each happened in the order written and in the same night. Whether or not they were dreams or actual encounters, I cannot say. What I can say is that it is the truth. The below are accounts of the two most drastic extremes of what a spirit can experience after departing the body and moving on. I believe that there are endless variations between these two experiences that a newly departed spirit will go through. I feel strongly that this is the worst and the best that I have ever been a part of.

I am alone.
I am as alone as I have ever been.
Grey darkness surrounds me.
Perpetual fear has anchored itself deep within me and it is permanent.
I am panicking as there is no way out.
Unending, self inflicted turmoil.
Swirling around me, are the others.
They close in around me, boxing me in for what I have done.
Pinning me in place and not letting me move, using judgement and a forceful power that is fearfully wrought. They are all telling me I have done wrong. I am overcome by my own fear.
I am undone by their complete disgust in me.
I am a revolting being to them.
I am a vile worm that must be dealt with.
They are all letting me know in no uncertain terms that what I have done is horrid.
They are telling me that I am not worthy of anything, and that I must be cast away.
No matter what I try, there is no escape.
I am overtaken by their power and there is nowhere to go.
I am trapped by their judgement.
I am trapped by their truth.
I know that what they are saying is the truth and there is nothing I can do about it.
Only listen to that truth and wait for my own doom.
There are no people here.
There are no physical bodies.
There are only stark, dismal colors with thought and emotion.
The only emotion I am feeling is fear.
I am more fearful than I have ever been.
The emotions they convey to me are intense regret and disappointment.
How could I do what I have done?
The knowledge that who I am and what I have done is the worst of the worst.
They are telling me this.
They are all around me, and there is no escape.
Judgement and accountability.
That is why I am here.
This is hell.

They are spirit.

And then the experience shifts.

Colors of soft pale pink and orange engulf my being and there is a warmness within me. I am again, surrounded by them, but the emotions I feel are the opposite.
They are joyfully chanting my name, though there are no voices.
Everyone is smiling — though there are no faces.
They are hugging me, though there are no bodies.
Love and happiness engulfs everything and I am lifted up.
I am held there, as on the shoulders of angels!
I am being praised for the great being that I am!
I am loved!
I am honored — by all of them!
I am precious to them and they tell me that I am.
They wrap themselves around me and it fills my heart with joy!
They say that I am wonderful — that I am a hero.
I feel their gratitude and their appreciation.
Overwhelming love engulfs me.
Everything I have done was for the best of everyone.
Everything that I am is the best that I could be.
That is what they tell me.
I feel safer than I have ever felt.
I feel happier than I have ever been.
The most powerful love and joy engulfs me and pours from me and I know that I am home.
This is heaven.

They are spirit.



Jake Harper

Construction worker, artist, songwriter, geologist. Twenty years living and working with people all over the U.S.. People are the best and you are one of them