I Have Risen; Lilith in Aries

She returns bare, the conqueror of fear; the successor of wars; the victor of love.

Jasmin Oliver


She has risen from the burning forest, after the days have turned black, the sun ripped from the womb of the sky.

As the sky fell she stepped off into the night.

She walked into the darkest part of the forest to speak as we slumbered afar.

She disappeared for what seemed like years, as time is ill kept when there is no sun passing to mark the end and beginnings.

Time left as she has left, into her own solitary confinement she places herself in the eye of inextricable madness and rage.

Now she has risen, walking back, her gown gone and only her crown remains.

Her bare breasts and warm skin.

Her eyes greener then I remember and her lips red, plumped with blood.

She has risen and come back with the allure of the Mother, it clings to her aura, she needs no man made weapons.

They stand in awe watching as I walk up the many flights towards my throne.

The cold granite on my feet give rise to goose bumps; darkness has found understanding within my eye; only the fire beside my throne lights my way forward.

