INFP: The Dreamer

The beauty in living life as an INFP.

Karin Cho


Source: Gif on Tumblr

Last year was the year I realized that my Myer Briggs result had been mistyped the entire time. I originally believed I was an INTP, but after reading the cognitive functions and characteristics that INTP’s obtained, I knew something was off. Determined to figure out which personality type I embodied, I took it again and finally reached a result that fits like a puzzle. I also became an MBTI expert and mastered the art of meticulously understanding each personality type. It was one of those moments where suddenly, everything made sense. I never felt so validated or understood in my life. Proud to announce, I am an INFP and I love it.

Source: Gif on Tenor

So what does it mean to be an INFP? Oftentimes nicknamed either “The Dreamer” or “The Mediator,” only 2.5% of the female population is this personality type. It’s no wonder I have always felt like an outsider, misunderstood and judged for all the wrong reasons. The INFP’s dominant function is: Introverted Feeling (Fi), Extroverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Sensing (Si), and Extroverted Thinking (Te.)

The I in INFP, of course, represents introversion. People tend to have the misconception that…



Karin Cho

Author of “Moonlight Confessions” now available on Amazon! Email: • IG: @seoulstrawberry