A Boss Woman’s Guidline To Millenial Men

Discretion advised this isn’t an article made for the faint hearted.

Briana Oliver
6 min readOct 26, 2018


For the first time in my life, I experienced being dick-matized. And let me tell ya’ll, that shit is for the birds. But I am in a place in my life where I experience my emotions different. I analyze them instead of allowing them to take over me. I stopped ignoring them like they were negative things and started using them as tools to better myself and continuously improve. I think of my emotions now like they are my best friends with different personalities.

But girl, that took a long ass time.

And my strength was tested. After the night of getting, in my opinion, some of the best dick in my life, I found myself sitting thinking about it all day. Grabbing a salad, dick. Showing up to work… dick. At the gym, I was even thinking about the dick.

But at the same time, I also knew at an energetic level that the man that had the best dick was also a fuck boy. Let’s call him the Cajun King. I met the Cajun King at a GNC store. We made eye contact, and I hadn’t had any type of penis in a long time. However, I was dressed like a homeless person so I wasn’t about to embarrass myself approaching him. So I grabbed my supplies and walked away. To my surprise, this motherfucker followed me out and asked me for my number. To make a long story short, I fucked him that same week. Maybe it was the fact I hadn’t had any for a long time. But that shit was BOMB!

Unfortunately, his personally lacked compassion. Although he was a nice guy, his views on women and how he saw the world were a cause for concern. He was a good looking man, so naturally, he had a good looking man life. Filled with bitches to the brim.

But I could tell he was attracted to me. However, that just wasn’t the lifestyle I envisioned for myself. I wasn’t tryna be another notch on a belt. By the time we met the second time, the dick-matization was gone, and that was 3 days later. Now that I know how hard it is to come out of that, I started to understand what women were talking about when they said they just can’t leave these bum dudes alone.

I am here to give you a complete guideline, a step by step manual on how to cut the dick trance, and to see a man for who he really is.

If you follow these simple steps( and they can be customized to your own liking), you will be able to make at least the decision on whether or not he is worth your energy. Because most of these dudes are not…

Communication cuts.

Now, this is probably the hardest step you’re going to do in this process. When you get some good dick, it’s reasonable to want to call them or text them. See what they are doing, ask about there day.

Don’t do that shit. You need time to process what is really going on. When you have sex with someone, there is an energetic passing. A man’s energy stays inside of you for about 2–3 weeks, and most times that power can be confused as for your own.

Time is a must…

Clear that shit out. At least 3 days.

Your brain will be on overdrive. Don’t let it control you.

Ask questions.

After about three days you will know where you stand with him. If he calls you or texts you, then you can proceed to this step. If he doesn’t text you, take it for what it is. Don’t convince yourself he lost your number, or he is scared of his feelings. He’s not. He just wanted to fuck. Take the L and carry on with your life. Things happen. However, if he does contact you and your feeling a connection, don’t be afraid to ask the questions you want to ask. Ask him about the women in his life, ask him about his childhood and his hobbies. And, I can’t stress this enough, do NOT judge him.

Don’t make judge faces, don’t make him feel like he’s wrong. Try your best to be understanding. I’m going to let you ladies in on a little secret, the thing that men value the most is not a woman that is sexy, can cook or can weave hay into gold, they want to be able to express themselves to the fullest extent how they feel and not be judged.

They just want to be understood. Take his answers for what they are and realize that men or men. They don’t think like us, so even if you don’t agree, that doesn’t make him wrong. Keep your comments to yourself at first. However, the way a man answers these questions will let you know what kind of man he is. If you feel a red flag go off in your head, stay silent, but listen to it. A women’s intuition is the most reliable thing on the planet.

Continue your same routine.

It is very easy to get carried away after getting a good smackdown. You start moving your schedule around to fit his. You stop wanting to do the things you use to before him. That is the quickest way to lose yourself to a fuck nigga. In my opinion, if I haven’t known you for 2 months and we haven’t hung out consecutively, I won’t even save your number.

That is because I make sure I remind myself that I am the prize bitch. I am worth your time. Not the other way around. If you don’t want to see me anymore because I have things to do, then I guess we can’t hang out.

If we become closer to where we are exclusively dating, then I will make sacrifices, but if you are hitting me up because you want some more poonanie and I have errands…. then I have errands. NEVER make dick a priority. No matter how special it is.

Do not try to play the girlfriend.

If this man wanted you to be his women, you would know. Because he will tell you. Don’t think that if you show him, you can cook and clean and rub his back and give up all your hoes for him he is going to believe you are the best thing since sliced bread and marry you on site. That’s crazy. That’s a fairytale outcome. He is going to know he doesn’t have to work hard to get that treatment, so why would he make you his girl?

He already got you.

That love energy is for someone that is worth it. It is precious and should be saved for a man that really deserves it. It should be cherished by you and only you until someone comes along and wants to nurture it for you. Don’t be out here looking like a silly bitch. Put your gangsta bitch hat on and let this man know if you want that kind of treatment he has to earn it.
Pamper yourself. After a good dicking down we as women tend to forget that our pussies are the ones to be crazy over. I’ve seen a lot of women losing they fucking minds over some dick. Acting all out of character. Treat your body like you treat some dick, and you will understand what self-confidence and self-love mean. Treat yo self. Take a nice bath. Get your nails done. Remind yourself that he isn’t the one with the bomb dick. You’re the one with the bomb pussy. And NO ONE can snatch that confidence
away from you.

If it doesn’t serve you, let it go.

This is the last and the most crucial step of all. If you give it up and he starts acting out. Making you feel like you aren’t unique. Only calling you for some good cat and it isn’t what you’re looking for, let that mutha-fucka go. He isn’t worth it. Lust is NOT the same thing as sex. And as women, we are way to boss to be sitting around trying to change a man.

It is not our job to teach a man how to be a man.

We are not responsible for anyone’s growth but our own.

If a man want’s to change for a woman trust me…. he will.

Men will not change if they don’t want to. No matter how much you suck his dick, brush his beard and cook him food he will be the same man. He will just put a different mask on to your face. Understand that the way he treats you is not and will never be because of you.

He just hasn’t grown yet. That is not your problem. Let it go and move the fuck on. PERIOD.

