The Key That Saved My Heart

Briana Oliver
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2018

Throughout my lifeI have seen different types of love.

During my childhood years, I was conditioned to believe vulnerability hurts.
That in order to love, you must surrender apart of yourself. You must give up unaccepted aspects of your personality to facilitate your partner’s needs and vice versa.

This always seemed odd even as an unknowing child observing the romantic relationships around me my heart knew something wasn’t right.

I am no love doctor, I have no professional experience in what love means. But I do hold a skill to view life’s concepts in multiple perceptions without judgment. Not just my own and my failed romantic experiences have shown me the beliefs that hinder a relationship rather than nourish it.

In order to love some, in order to grow, you must fully embrace everything as is. That includes the parts of my personality I love and the parts of my personality that were deemed socially unacceptable.

Love should never feel demanding, nor should it be used as a tool to manipulate someone into becoming what YOU think they should be. The less accepting of yourself the more prone to believing someone else’s version of your story.

Shaming your partner for who they are and using the word love as a blanket to romanticize your incapability to accept something you don’t quite understand is the first step to a failed relationship. Being able to see life through another’s eyes will give you the key to the door of your own insecurities. Because what you seemingly hate in one person is something hidden within yourself that you don’t want to accept.

This is not to say that a relationship that hurts physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually are breeding grounds to remain in and learn. You should leave any relationship that continuously hurts before losing yourself; however, when you do look back there will be aspects of yourself that need forgiveness, recognition, and healing.

Unconditional love is what will begin to heal this world and it starts with realizing the ones we love are pathways to our own healing. As we move forward and integrate those aspects back into our personality you will find that your relationships will only have more and more love within them. Because YOU are finally gaining the power of your heart and mastering the energy of love.

Be True To You — Briana

