Isabella Jonathan
The 430th
Published in
7 min readNov 23, 2015


The Entrepreneurial Drive Behind Uber

Luxury cars, designer bags, and extravagant homes consume our Instagram feeds on a daily basis. Today youth say how they’re going to be a part of the elite 1% who ultimately dominates the globe. When we see the images of materialistic indulgence posted; we’re quick to comment — #GOALS. See a women waltz out of a Maserati wearing Lou Bout in’s — #GOALS. See a beautiful woman hand in hand with her boyfriend, as she wears a sexy dress in tropical destination — #GOALS. See a man on one knee holding a little red box marked Cartier — #GOALS. We can admire, and believe that our lives will become the fabulous scenarios we see on Instagram — but in reality, what does it take to achieve these goals?

ENTREPRENEURIAL DRIVE — the foundation of accomplishing materialistic goals. At the end of the day, you need to work for yourself in order to achieve success. Build your own dreams instead of building someone else’s, right? Entrepreneurs are individuals who believe in themselves, and can provide a product or service that introduces innovation and growth to a certain market; knows how to hold the world in the palm of their hands. It takes vision, hard work, and solidifying a “No Fucks Given Attitude” — three ingredients that have blasted the social status of a controversial application-Uber. Its creators are now self-made billionaires.

The concept for Uber is simple. Touch a button and have a ride. Blessed. This concept came when founders Travis Kalanick and Garret Camp were unable to hail a cab. They finally had enough of cab drivers thinking they were doing them a favour by charging ridiculously high rates to drive you to your destination. This obnoxious attitude held by cab drivers is why Uber has monopolized the ground level transportation market. Why bother to flag down a cab — based on your needs, they can even reject you, just so that they can roll their eyes when you express you want to pay with a card? Uber provides a rating system which allows customers to rate their driver’s performance, and their overall experience. This system provides incentives for drivers to keep their cars clean, be respectful, and provide audio and/or visual media for entertainment purposes. The problem with cab drivers is that they feel entitled to receive your business simply because they are providing a necessary service. However, they forget how the quality of this service is just as necessary in order to gain business along with a good reputation.

In business, once you have become aware of a problem, the need for an efficient solution becomes the next logical step. This blatantly obvious fact appears to be simple on the surface; however it goes deeper than that. For an entrepreneur, the need for a solution becomes an itch you can’t scratch, a splinter in your side, a pain in the ass. What sets them apart from the majority is their ruthless drive that provides a sufficient amount of motivation to zero in on the problem and seek relief. Relief that exceeds merely paying the bills.

“I just like Uber better. The cars smell better and are more hygienic and the drivers are nicer, and more courteous. Some drivers open the door for you and always have an AUX cord so you don’t have to listen to the radio. I even had a driver that gave snacks! Uber drivers just try harder to give a good experience because they care more about getting good ratings”. — Uber customer

Uber is a new competitor in the ground level transportation industry. The company provides its drivers with an incentive to earn money and provide a solution for common cab struggles that everyone has come to know. Cab drivers never thought a customer would eventually have the idea to avoid unprofessionalism and aggravation, and take over the industry overnight. Uber has become the taxi bullshit solution, and it only took two fed up customers to think of it.

All Hail the Infinity of the ‘APP’

In a world of endless apps; literally anything is possible. Apple’s creation is the Holy Grail for entrepreneurs everywhere. Creating an app to launch a business is the most efficient way because it is accessible to the majority and provides a sense of urgency. Apps have become the “go to” in regards to daily life. If satisfaction can be derived from the touch of a button, you’ve got it made. Creating the concept for Uber as an app is how it revolutionized the way one calls for a ride. Calling cab companies directly puts you at risk for being put on hold. Sometimes to the point where you’re either stranded, or contemplate walking home; regardless of the time or weather conditions. Uber immediately receives your request and provides comfort by displaying that you will be picked up, even if you have to wait a little for the driver to arrive. The founders took advantage of a popular demand and branded it in such a way that it seems simply illogical NOT to use it. Youth are constantly glued to their phones because the variety of applications provides urgent access to anything. This means that when starting a business; having an app is a great way to launch. They are easy to create, and the urgency forms an addiction.

Collateral Damage

What naturally comes with being a boss is the risk of fucking up the game. It is understandable why cab drivers resent the simple genius behind Uber because it offers the supply for urgency.

When a frequent Uber customer was asked how she felt about the recent string of sexual assault cases in regards to some creepy #Uber drivers; she had no trace of concern for her own safety. “When I see pictures of drivers with weird faces I trip out, and screen-shot them because they’re funny. But I’m a big girl, I’ll be fine”.

Such bravery is only for the bold, right? Of course things are different when shit happens to you; however Uber customers are willing to risk being driven by random employees who have not been interviewed by management. For anyone to be able to register themselves online as an official Uber driver seems sketchy, but it ends well for most. The incentive of paying less fare is the motivation behind the recent abandonment of the cab industry. Realistically, a cab driver can sexually assault someone, or put a customer’s life in danger as well. Might as well save your money. Ultimately, the demand for a cheaper and faster solution to cab struggles is being supplied by Uber and that’s all that matters. It’s unfortunate for those who have been assaulted by drivers who used the app to play out their psychotic desires. However there will always be a few crazy people in every industry. All that matters in business is that you’re making an impressive amount of sales.

“It’s hard to be a disrupter and not be an asshole”- Travis Kalanick

Smart Uber drivers develop a repo with customers so they can be a customer’s “go to”.

“I have a hand full of customers who I see on a weekly basis. They trust me and like the way I treat them; so of course they’ll call again”. –David, Uber driver

Uber provides average individuals the opportunity to create their own extension of business through their personal performance on the job. If a driver knows how to provide an enjoyable experience for their customer, they deserve to reap the benefits. Consequently, if cab drivers are frightened of losing business; they need to find a better approach to earn a living. In business, the risk is either ruining your career, or someone else’s. Whoever wins becomes the MOGUL. This is the goal.

Leave a Legacy

The ultimate goal of being an entrepreneur is to set your plan in motion so it picks up momentum, then influence employees and customers to build it up. You need your business to appear as a “cause”, something that is truly beneficial to society and fills the holes people have been falling into. Be a hero. Once people appreciate and admire what you’re doing, the support will come naturally. Not only do the founders benefit; they employ a lot of people which benefits the economy. Of course there are Uber drivers who are not successful; however that is a reflection of their work ethic, not the business itself.

“Look, I’m a passionate entrepreneur. I’m like fire and brimstone sometimes. And so there are times when I’ll go — it’ll get too into the weeds and too into the debate, because I’m so passionate about it”. –Travis Kalanick

You need to get lost in your cause so it becomes all you know. Let it consume you. Despite the flaws and inevitable opposition from competitors and consumers; you simply need to win over the majority. There are many people who despise Uber. Some have lost business, and some have been harmed. However, the overall outcome has proven to be successful and sustainable in our current economy and technological universe. It has proven to be an asset which will always be in demand — until teleportation becomes possible.

