Isabella Jonathan
The 430th
Published in
6 min readDec 8, 2015


Unlocking the Cage to Minimum Wage

“Children are the Future” is a well-known cliché in our society. The implied encouragement of the younger generation’s capability and duty to bring positive change in the world appears to be genuine; from a child’s perspective. Thinking about what we could become by using our influence and interests to make an impactful contribution to society. Our current system promotes an expensive, institutionalized style of education that often leads to a career that cannot support a living. Without this education; you are considered part of the ‘lower’ class, and are viewed as ignorant and unaware. It has been established that a degree is the minimum standard required to acquire a career.

We are the Future! Or Not

However even after graduation, young individuals experience obstacles in establishing their career through: lack of hands on experience, age, University choice, and conditions of the current economy. Difficulty attaining a full-time job with benefits, let alone in a field that one has studied for leaves few choices but to get a job that pays minimum wage; even for full-time hours. University and College students, who have spent thousands of dollars on an education still, get stuck in jobs that less educated individuals have. So what’s the point? Why put in the intellectual work just to do a job that generally involves physical labour? It’s the status.

Most are aware that social status does not define whether you are a hardworking person, however it is crucial in ‘playing the game’. The corporate, nine to five rat race we all have been programmed to desire.

Graduates settle for minimum wage jobs, and then get criticized for it. Parents say it is due to laziness and immaturity without considering how difficult it has become to find a career job.

The Break Down

Graduates work for minimum wage during undergrad to either pay for school, or pay for their personal living expenses. Then are left with the choice to work for minimum wage after graduation to either pay off debts, or support their financial responsibilities. The before and after are very similar. Besides liquor servers and bartenders; minimum wage in Ontario is $11.25 per hour. Considering our current economy; this is not enough to live off of. Liquor servers and bartenders receive $9.80 per hour because they make tips, however consistently good tips are not a guarantee. Raising the minimum wage may increase the cost of living which negates any benefits of the minimum wage increase. However, it essentially puts people in the same position they were in before. The wage increase should be greater than cost of living increase.

The View from the Top

Hiring managers generally do not have sympathy with this issue because they think the solution is to merely to work harder.

“The minimum-wage is supposed to motivate you to get an education and find a well-paid job. If someone really wants something; they can achieve it”. Hiring and manager from Ericsson; Manjinder Matharu strongly believes and that the minimum-wage should motivate a young adult to graduate and find a career job.

“The younger generation is so entitled. They think it is easy to achieve what their parents have. Kids are supposed to do better than their parents; but I don’t know about this generation. They can be unmotivated and expect things to be handed to them. With all the resources and opportunities at their disposal; they have no excuse to not do better than their parents”. Manjinder Matharu.

The younger generation has been diagnosed with the disease of being lazy; and that’s that.

The older generation fails to consider that a lot of individuals do not have pension plans which delays retirement and has them working into their seventies leaving less jobs available to younger individuals. The prerequisites for jobs have increased and those in their twenties are expected to have years of experience. Older applicants are favoured because they have experience, however if young adults are in fact the future; why not give them a chance? Why hold an educated person back based on age?

The expectation of someone having experience in order to gain experience is not realistic. Perhaps Universities should provide co-op programs for each department of study that is funded by the Government. Also making these programs available to any student rather than having an application process where some students are rejected. Since experience is valued as much as academics; it is necessary for schools to offer both opportunities to ensure more success.

The following video suggests an unconventional, and interesting approach to minimum wage which gives each citizen a basic income. This is worth considering because it eliminates fierce competition and allows each person to use their skills and contribute to society.

Stuck in the Cycle

Being young does not instantly translate into being ‘lazy’. Making them work like dogs in their early years to pay ‘dues’ is a method in need of an update. Giving a less difficult challenge to younger people to prove themselves is a more logical strategy. If someone proves to be lazy; so be it. However, it is unfair to assume all young graduates do not know how to handle responsibilities or produce good work. Young graduates who are in debt from working for minimum-wage deserve more credit. Companies could support young graduates by supplementing their minimum wage as recognition for completing their degree. There could also be a government policy which encourages hiring young grads within the first three years after graduation so their degrees can be put to use.

“Since I’ve graduated a few months ago I have gone through multiple part-time jobs from serving and bartending, to retail. All the money I make goes towards paying my bills. I still live at home with my mom and am pressured to find a full-time job. It’s not like I haven’t tried, I’ve been on countless interviews even for jobs outside my field. Even if you have a good resume with a top University and some experience; it doesn’t mean you’ll get the job. There are so many other people just like you who they compare you to. You aren’t the only person with good grades and skills”. This new graduate; Natasha does not believe laziness is responsible for her difficulty in breaking free from the minimum wage cycle.

Buying Foreign is a Better Deal

The method of outsourcing and allowing more immigrants into the country also poses obstacles for young graduates. These people are willing to work for minimum wage because their education is not considered valid, or they are desperate to escape political oppression from their home countries. It appears young graduates are suddenly being squeezed out of the work force.

Results from Statistics Canada demonstrates that; “persons under 25 and women from 25–54 account for 81% of minimum-wage workers”. “Close to 60% of all minimum-wage workers lived with their parents or with another family member”.

Historically young students and woman experience wage inequity. Negatively impacting a group of individuals due to a reason other than work ethic and character is unnecessary and damaging to society as a whole. Providing a fair opportunity for citizens to earn a sufficient living has become a burden; and alternatives of recruiting immigrants has become the ‘solution’.

“Our company outsources a lot of people from India. We will pay them to come here and work for us because they will do it for much less and are harder working. The younger generation expects to be paid more; they need to be willing to work their way up” says Matharu.

In order to allow young educated individuals to save money while working for minimum wage; the wage should be increased, while keeping the current prices of everyday products. This has been said to cause inflation in the economy. However what that truly means is: it will give those who are living off of minimum wage the ability to save money just like those who have a salary A collective approach to empowerment is more effective than a divided approach. There IS enough wealth to go around.

A more equal playing field can in fact revolutionize society for the better; one simply needs to view people as humans rather than citizens.

