The Deceptive cry : The woman, the well and Tale of kindness

deception,kindness and Human nature

The 5 Minute Fantasy Forum
2 min readSep 30, 2023


Image by David Bruyland from Pixabay

Once, a thirsty man approached a well where a woman was drawing water. The woman kindly gave him a drink. As the man sipped the cool water.

Grateful, the man asked her to share some wisdom about the cunning nature of women, little did he know that this simple request would set off chain of events that would teach him profound lesson about human nature.
Upon hearing traveler's query , the woman without moment's hesitation started crying and began shouting loudly,
"Help! Help!" Startled,
the villagers rushed to the well, thinking something was wrong.

The man, taken aback by the unexpected twist of fate..,
the man asked, "Why are you doing this?"
her response was as surprising as her cries for help.

The woman replied, "I called them so that the villagers would come and beat you mercilessly, even to the point of killing you."

Taken aback, the man stuttered....
The man said, "But I thought of you as a good and virtuous woman." It was then that the women without uttering a word lifted the pot and poured the entire pot of water over herself, drenching her clothes and hair.

When the villagers arrived and inquired about the situation, the woman lied, "I fell into the well, but this kind man saved me." The villagers praised the man and carried him on their shoulders, showering him with rewards for his noble act .

Image by Isa KARAKUS from Pixabay

As the villagers departed, the woman Turned to the traveler in voice filled with wisdom she shared final lesson, "If you bring trouble to women, they will take away your happiness and peace, but if you treat them kindly, they will protect you like a savior, even snatch your life from the jaws of death."

In the end It reminds us that life can take unexpected turns, and situations may not always be what they seem at first glance, in essence this story encourages us to approach life with an open heart, to be cautious of making hasty judgments, and to recognize the transformative power of kindness and empathy in our interactions with others.



The 5 Minute Fantasy Forum

"👨‍💻 Software engineer by day, wordsmith by night. Exploring the code of life and the art of storytelling. ✍️✨ 🌟 Join me in the journey of self-discovery