Taking A Break

André Salvatierra
The 750ml Podcast
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2021

Hey folks, I just wanted to announce a couple of things for 750ml:

  1. I’ve decided to discontinue the paid membership. This means that I won’t be making content and putting it behind a paywall anymore. I’ve completely refunded everyone who subscribed.
  2. The podcast will be on an indefinite hiatus. I’m taking a break from the podcast and won’t be making any new episodes until I decide I want to do that again.


It’s a mixed bag. Here’s the short version:

  1. For the premium content, it’s mainly time — while I’m happy with the quality of the stuff I’m able to make, it consumed a lot more time than I personally think is worth it.
  2. For the main podcast, I mainly just want to explore doing other things.

Overall, I’m happy with what I’ve been able to do with the podcast and how it’s improved compared to when it’s started (I’m my own biggest critic, so I pretty much judge my own work quite harshly).

I want to try and do other things more than I feel like doing the podcast right now.

What’s Next?

I’m just going to focus on my main job — I’m a copywriter by trade, so I’m going to just focus on that for the time being.

I’m also pursuing a couple of interests on the side that have to do with my language studies and the constant updating + refinement of my professional skills.

Will it be back?

Maybe. I won’t put a date on anything or throw out percentages and probabilities.

I’ve actually outlined and written some of the upcoming episodes already, so if I ever decided to come back to it, there’s a slate of several episodes that have already been researched waiting to be completely written.

Overall, I’m actually quite satisfied with how all of it has gone. One of the biggest positives is how much I’ve learned just by throwing myself into learning how to produce a podcast, from the researching, writing, recording, presenting information, marketing, audio and video editing, I’ve come off better for it, even though I wasn’t able to exactly do everything I wanted to (it’s tough trying to one-man-army all of that!).

I regret nothing — it was all worth the time, energy, and money I’ve put into it because of how much I’ve learned.

Thanks to everyone who tuned in!




André Salvatierra
The 750ml Podcast

Copywriter interested in tech, culture, and optimal living