Structured Visual Thinking™

How Group Partners Approach Works — Visually

Group Partners
The A-Z Of Group Partners
3 min readMar 20, 2018


A high level explanation of the approach. It’s a generic explanation but these are the typical steps. They describe how we solve challenges for business and develop the best outcome from opportunities. It’s visual, collaborative, impartial, creative, immersive and rapid.


Why It Works

Working this way uses at least two of our human senses — sight, and sound. This makes it very immersive and powerful. It’s about respectful conversation amongst peers — it’s highly visually stimulating and that makes it innately rewarding for human beings.

It doesn’t seek to boil the ocean but leverages existing capability and insight. It’s impartial and objective. It’s not a high pressure environment and generates immediate response and value. It works.

1. This Is How Our Approach Works In Detail:

This document takes you through a classic approach to solving challenges or exploiting opportunities in business. Click on the image.

2. This Is Why Our Approach Works:

This document explains why we’ve developed a highly conversational and structured approach to solving today’s challenges and how we can exploit opportunities — in a sustainable way.

3. Some Of Our Additional Methods:

This document shows how we work in different ways — without using the traditional structure and typical agendas of meetings and formal get togethers.

4. Explaining The Results:

A short summary including case studies and references that explain the results and some of the challenges we have worked on with other clients.

5. The Top Line On Group Partners

In simple language and pictures this document explains what we do and why.

6. A Few 60 Second Videos

These short Video Q&A’s explain the most common questions we get asked. They give a more visual clue into how the approach works.

7. The All Important Discussion About The Logistics

A key part of our assignments involve collaborative sessions. They can occur at various times through the run of a project. It involves taking the logistics quite seriously. We’ve had some fun.

8. What Our Clients Say

There’s no better way for us to explain what we do than in the words of our clients. Just a few of the incredible comments that make us continue to do what we love to do.



Group Partners
The A-Z Of Group Partners

Making Our Difference Make A Difference. @JohnCaswell + @Tifferly.