The Global Sustainability Network

2015–16 The Executive Summary

Group Partners
The A-Z Of Group Partners
4 min readDec 19, 2016



The Global Sustainability Network (GSN) Is For One And All — All The Members Working To The Benefit Of All Humanity.

A Network That’s Not About Individual Glory But About Passionate And Committed People In Pursuit Of Collective Achievement.

Our Purpose:

To Achieve Goal 8 Through Efficient Collaboration. Connecting and Collaborating with all those working to achieve the stated aims.

GSN Is A Magnet For Passionate, Committed & Powerful People

Other networks and resources — all those that are already working to achieve Goal 8 or who can have a direct or influencing role on bringing the results we all want.

It Is Uniquely Positioned Because Of Its Constitution

That of the Multi Faith leaders — leaders who not only helped to create the network but can bring the kind of pressure to bear on Governments, Media and Business. By harnessing all of this capability we expect to deliver the scale of change we seek.

Our Role:

  • To help all those (with valid initiatives) achieve the targets of Goal 8. (Not to create more initiatives)
  • To help those with initiatives to connect and collaborate to achieve/create greater impact.
  • Together with the members — identify the capabilities and resources they may need.
  • To generate greater awareness and scale for these initiatives on the worlds stage.
  • To be a central repository (platform) for the distribution of knowledge and wisdom — for the benefit of the members and in pursuit of Goal 8.
  • To develop additional capability and contribution (and membership) through the development of larger scale gatherings. (Summits and Conferences)

How It Works

The GSN is a growing network of passionate people and organisations built on a ‘Platform’ of people, knowledge, capability and resources.

  1. Reputation and recognition is generated by the work of everyone in the network. The network effect is self perpetuating. New initiatives will come forward as a result and as the word spreads.
  2. Those with initiatives are invited to bring their ideas to the platform for membership. Many members will be involved as an advisor, a specialist in a subject, able to identify investors or bring celebrity or leadership status to the benefit of the initiatives.
  3. The Network will ‘officially’ accept and then adopt members and their initiatives into the platform so that members are immediately able to display their credentials, capabilities and contributions to the rest of the network. There will be clearly defined Vetting criteria to make sure we focus on the right things and get the best outcomes for the Global Goals.

Members are encouraged to freely explore and leverage all the resources of the GSN.

  • By creating awareness (social media, word of mouth, networking) — engaging with more world leaders and influences — and by doing larger and larger events our reach grows.
  • As that grows our resources continue to grow and deepen — more willing people, more networks, more volunteers, more capability, more members profiles/registers, best practices, initiative descriptions and progress measures.
  • The GSN will provide the basic rules, principles guidelines and suggested standards. Supporting our work will be the frameworks we’ve created and the narratives that have emerged from all the work that everyone has done. We will continue to add — right through until 2030.

The GSN Is All Of Us!

There should be no barrier to everyone of us opening up to the possibilities — inspiring a tidal wave of positive contribution to achieving Goal 8.

See The High Level Story In Pictures (Click)

Head To The Summary Of The Strategic Session In Dubai:

Head Straight To The Strategy Document:



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