An Interview with Jade Jones, AAMBC Literary Award Nominee

Holly Mosley-Cooper
The AAMBC Journal
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2018
Author Jade Jones, AAMBC Literary Award nominee.

I recently had an opportunity to speak with Jade Jones, author of the Cameron series and numerous other titles and a nominee for Street Lit Writer of the Year. We spoke about her AAMBC Literary Award nomination and a few other topics.

The latest title from Jade Jones


I read in your biography that you discovered your passion for creative writing in elementary school. Can you elaborate on that a little?

Jade Jones:

I think I was born with a knack for story-telling. Honestly, I’ve been writing for so long, I can’t even pinpoint the exact age I fell in love with story-telling. In elementary school, I was in the Young Authors Club, back in Cleveland. I can remember scribbling stories in composition notebooks as a hobby, a few of which my mom still has locked away in her safety box, lol. Back then, I used to write about everything. It’s an escape for me. I always say that writing is therapy. Writing, for me, is therapeutic. A gateway into a whole new world in which I am in control.


I understand. I feel the same way about writing. It’s a great way to escape from reality; even if it’s only for a little while. So let me ask you, was there a teacher that you had in school that sparked your interest in writing?

Jade Jones:

As I got older, my writing evolved. I guess it never really stops evolving. I can’t say that I had a teacher or anyone in my life who pushed me into my career choice, or sparked my interest in writing. It’s just something that I always loved to do. I always loved to read and write.

AAMBC JOURNAL: Awesome! So how do you feel about being nominated for an AAMBC Literary Award?

Jade Jones:

I am super stoked about being nominated for an AAMBC Award! It’s definitely an honor to be among some of the best in the game. People whose books I’ve grown up binge-reading. It also gives me a bit of bragging rights, lol.


Well, we are definitely glad to hear that. Who are some of your favorite authors?

Jade Jones:

I’d have to say that my favorite non-fiction author is Dale Carnegie. My favorite fiction author is T. Styles.

AAMBC JOURNAL: Interesting… Okay, so have you ever tried writing in other genres?

Jade Jones:

I’ve tried writing in other genres, namely paranormal. It’s still taking my readers some getting used to, lol.

AAMBC JOURNAL: That’s somewhat understandable if they are used to the genre that you’ve been writing in for the longest. Okay, last question, your story is so inspiring, what kept you going through the rough times?

Jade Jones:

I think determination and ambition are what fuels me and keeps me going. Also, a fear of failure. I’ve set the bar so high for myself because I know my readers are expecting consistency and nothing but the best from me! I try to do better with each story. I listen to what they want, and try my best to deliver. I like challenging myself. I’m my own worst critic, but it works to my advantage lol. I told myself I wouldn’t quit until I traveled the world and saw everything there is to see and wrote about everything there is to write.

AAMBC JOURNAL: Well thank you for your time Jade. We really appreciate it! Be sure to pick up one of Jade’s titles and see you at the AAMBC Awards. Get your Gold Passes at



Holly Mosley-Cooper
The AAMBC Journal

Author of books about romantic erotica and Autism . I write about autism, politics, race and current events from the perspective of a person with ASD.