July: is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

Breannon Renee
The AAMBC Journal
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2019

July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. July was designated Minority Mental Health Awareness Month in 2008. The month was designated as this in order to bring awareness to mental health within the monority communtiy because it is highly underrepresented. In the minority community mental health is kind of a forbidden topic. The topic can seem literally taboo in the Black community. As young children a lot of black children are taught to be strong and by showing too much emotion that can be a sign of weakness. In our community therapy is usually frowned upon even though some people have no one to let out their pain to. I know when I was a child I never heard the term mental health. A word I heard to desricbe someone dealing with an unhealthy mental state was crazy. Minorities are conditioned to keep on a mask to hide our feelings from the world.

As minorities we need to take resposiblity for each others mental states and if we see someone struggling we should suggest they get help or offer them a listening ear and compassion. If we start to take care of our minds lives can be saved and emotional healing can occur. If you need help there is nothing wrong with seeking therapy, taking up a healing hobby, divulging in your passions, checking into a mental health retreat facility, etc. Please take care of yourselves because life flows through the heart yes but it also connects, receives, and functions through your mind. If you feel that your mental state is not healthy don’t sit back and let it crumble take that strength you have and let your pride fail and get help. Let it out please and set yourself free!

Let it Go Set Yourself Free

Black so do we have to keep it inside,

A strong community we got pride,

Never letting your sons cry,

What’s the real reason why,

They ask you what’s wrong you tell a lie,

You are full of pain deep down inside,

Are you really okay?,

Or Is I’m fine just a programmed phrase you say,

Life isn’t really complicated,

Get help if you mental state has deteriorated,

Remember if you share your mental state love can be reciprocated,

I know it’s hard to open up being vulnerable feels like stripping infront of a stranger naked,

You have to allow your mental health to be protected,

Your mental health is easily neglected,

It’s not always about keeping it inside but you are strong so I respect it,

Unbothered on the outside but your minds having a fit,

Literally on the edge,

Let out your pain you didn’t take a vow of silence or sign a pledge,

Get the help for your mental health,

Because health is greater than wealth,

Let it out Sisters and Brothers,

Telling your truths can Help one another.

By: Breannon Renee’

