National PTSD Awarness Day: June 27th and June is National PTSD Awareness Month

Breannon Renee
The AAMBC Journal
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2019

June is National PTSD Awareness Month. Today on June 27th National PTSD Awareness Day is observed. PTSD stands for post traumatic stress disorder. PTSD is triggered by a very traumatic event or events that occur in a persons life.This day helps to raise awareness of PTSD. The day was chosen in 2010 by the U.S Senate. A group of people that largely suffer from PTSD are veterans but anyone who has been affected by trauma can develop PTSD. On June 27th organizations are interested in getting information about symptoms and treatment out to the public so that people can become aware of ways to cope and get treated for the disease.

With June being National PTSD Awareness Month there’s a lot of information to acquire to learn more about PTSD. June became National PTSD Awareness Month in 2014 after being appointed by the U.S Senate. In the United States alone 6.8 percent of adults will undergo PTSD. During their lifetimes women are more likely to develop PTSD. Woman are 10.4 percent more likely to develop PTSD compared to 5 percent of men. Woman are known to highly develop PTSD from sexual trauma.

PTSD isn’t something to take lightly because it can really affect your day to day life. PTSd causes flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and intrusive thoughts about the traumatic events that occurred. PTSD can cause you to feel extremely depressed, suicidal, lonely, etc. PTSD can last for different amounts of time depending on the individual. The mental health condition can be helped with good self care and coping techniques. Don’t suffer in silence get help and live a quality life live your best life!

PTSD Feelings but You Can Overcome

My minds prisoner,

Spirit drainer ,

I still don’t think I deserve love,

Tossed aside like trash,

Hating my self,

Always hating myself,

Can’t remember what loving myself was like,

I miss me,

The freer me,

Uninhibited me,

Laughing till my stomach aches,

Running wild,

Talking crazy and not apologizing,

Reaching for the stars,

Passing by places and remembering pleasant times,

Where am I,

I honestly can’t tell you,

I’m stuck like I’ve been for years,

Everyday my emotional state deteriorates,

I’ve become very tired of it all,

Sick of myself,

Trapped inside my head,

Wondering where happiness is?,

Longing to feel loved,

But I make it through every day,

Weaving myself through all the twist and turns,

The pain tries to take over,

But I’m a fighter,

No time before I’m once again,


That day came and past,

My minds brand new,

Spirit rejuvenated,

Born Again

By: Breannon Renee’

