Summer Reading

Breannon Renee
The AAMBC Journal
Published in
2 min readJun 30, 2019

It’s finally summer the best time of year to me. Instead of reading inside everyday grab your book and head out the door. Pick up a book that makes you think about new concepts and different realities. You can get feed-up with the mundane places to read such as in your room or in the library. Go outside with your favorite novel and sit in the summer sun when you need an escape. Do not get boggled down by life’s difficulties instead explore while turning crisp book pages. Often we forget that a new world is a page away. Anytime you feel like your about to go off the deep end choose to hang onto every word you read and maybe you’ll end up jumping off a cliff into the deep end of the waters in Fiji. You can decide to stay stuck inside all summer or sit in the beautiful sunshine and soak up the sun while learning something new with your trusty book outside. The choice to go explore the many different places you can read during this adventurous summer is yours!

Summer Reading is an Escape

Dear Summer Reading,

This is the weather we’ve been needing,

Jump into reading,

Get outside and bring the book that you’ve been feening,

The park is full of beautiful trees,

Use the branches for shade and enjoy the nature sights to see,

Let’s jump in the car and go for a ride,

Maybe we’ll find somewhere to read that’s seaside,

Traveling is perfect for car story time,

Read an adventure book perfect for summertime,

You can get into the story while you sit in the back,

Chill out flip through the pages and relax,

You’ll love reading at the tranquil beach,

Listening to the bustling waves with sand in close reach,

Reading without a care,

Take a book almost anywhere,

If you like sunbathing by the pool,

You can’t forget your book that’s a rule,

Passing the time with your exciting adventure filled novel,

All the days of fun-filled experiences in a paper-bound book to follow,

Read all summer in different spots with a friend,

Wishing this beautiful warm breezy weather would never end.

By: Breannon Renee’

