Discover Tamika Newhouse: Shadow Warrior

William Spivey
The AAMBC Journal
Published in
5 min readMar 9, 2018


Permission from Tamika Newhouse

“You Don’t Know My Story

You Don’t Know the Things That I’ve Come Through

You Cannot Imagine…”

It is only fitting that the first “Shadow Warrior” since moving to the AAMBC Journal would be Tamika Newhouse. Shadow Warriors recognizes those who are doing outstanding work in the community and have yet to receive the national acclaim that is on their way. Tamika is already nationally known as an entrepreneur; her Delphine Publications has published over 200 books and she personally has written 16 novels. She founded the African Americans on the Move Book Club (AAMBC) and the AAMBC Literary Awards which is the only entertainment award show for black writers. None of that has anything to do with her selection. You don’t know her story.

Permission from Tamika Newhouse

You probably could know her story because she’s always telling it, if you could only keep up. Her story is to take every setback and turn it into motivation. Every obstacle is a challenge to overcome. Negativity is alternately ignored or used as a motivation.

“Regardless of what they say; all that matters is what you say!”

But this isn’t a story of how she overcame great odds and became a success. It’s a story of how she makes sure to bring people with her along the way. Showing them how to get out of the hole because she’s already been there and knows the way.

“Find people who have the same focus, the same ambition, the same consistency as you and link arms with them and see what you can get done TOGETHER!”

Tamika was the baby of her family, the “odd one” who always ended up alone. She experienced teen pregnancy and endured the mental abuse from her peers, yet she still had a dream bigger than herself. She still graduated with her class and had embraced writing which allowed her to pursue her dream. Then her mother, Delphine, passed away. She turned that grief into motivation and completed her first novel which won her the “Author of the Year,” at the African-American Literary Awards. She dedicated her life to reflect who her mother was by launching Delphine Publications. She signed other authors and helped them achieve their dreams as well. You might look at it as simply business, but her authors also reflect her dream, and she pours into them as she would her own child.

Permission from Tamika Newhouse

“I remind myself that I am going to win, because as tough as things get and as many challenges as I have had to face in my life. I have never stopped believing in myself and my dream.”

Ten years later, you can barely keep up with Tamika. Her sixteenth novel, “Plain Jane 2,” is dropping shortly. She’s beginning a National Tour with, “The Queen Pens,” featuring Jessica N. Watkins, Shantoinette Richardson (Myss Shan), Shonda Devaughn, and herself. Queen Pens is Tamika’s concept. The “Queens” are not authors from Delphine Publications but fellow publishers with their own companies. She could see them as formidable competitors but instead views them as part of the creative community with whom she can work with instead of oppose.

Permission from Tamika Newhouse

She recently took a long overdue vacation which lasted all of 48 hours. We probably need to talk to Tamika about the definition of vacation. She says, “I may allow myself a week after the Awards.”

By the Awards she means the AAMBC Literary Awards to be held June 7–10, in Atlanta, GA. The Awards will feature a stop of the Queen Pens tour, live performances, an Urban Book Bash, celebrities, parties, book signings and much more.

Permission from Tamika Newhouse

Included in the events is CreativeCon, a free conference bringing emerging literary creatives together with educators and skilled professionals in publishing and film. It includes tips on branding, self-publishing, screenwriting, a pitch fest to a Hollywood panel, a Head Shot Party and several speakers including of course, Tamika Newhouse.

Tamika has immersed herself in the AAMBC Literary Awards, except for the several other projects she’s juggling. While doing all this, she’s bringing others along, helping them achieve their goals and reach their dreams.

Permission from Tamika Newhouse

“Creating platforms for black creatives has been my life’s focus simply because we have to push our own. We have been conditioned for far too long for subpar support. I want us to be seen for the real stars that we are.”

The AAMBC Literary Awards will come and go. Tamika will be off soon on a different project and may well let that one-week vacation slip until another time. What she won’t do is stop believing in her dream, finding other dreamers to help achieve theirs, provided they have the drive and will to achieve them. Her nickname is, “Bosslady” yet she’s as down to earth and accessible as anyone you’ll ever meet. Tamika is indeed a Shadow Warrior!

Shadow Warriors will be published monthly at its new home in the AAMBC Journal. We are always looking for nominees and welcome your input in the comments. Discover previous Shadow Warriors at: Shadow Warriors

