When the Tiger Lily Blooms. A #AAMBCReview.

Heidi Riley-Ancar
The AAMBC Journal
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2022

Salutations to all! We are ecstatic to tell you about “When the Tiger Lily Blooms”, the fictional work penned by the author Fox Jones.

When the Tiger Lily Blooms narrates a tale of uncertainty, retribution and redemption Jamika encounters as she tries to unravel the mystery behind a friend’s death while dealing with inner turmoil and a traumatic event of her past. During this short journey of exploration, she uncovers secrets and hidden truths which causes her to question her friendship with another, her need for revenge, and other aspects of her life that generate feelings of emotional turbulence within her soul.

When the Tiger Lily Blooms is a riveting work of suspense and drama that leaves the reader anticipating more as the plot materializes throughout the story. The author’s ability to weave an emotional and physiological connection to the characters intertwined with a cloak-and-dagger theme makes this an intriguing page turner which draws the reader attention from the first page to the last. The author also utilizes her ability to address important topics affecting women and other marginalized populations such as mental health, sexual abuse, violence, and discrimination within the military through this tale of revenge, recognition, and redemption.

We give “When the Tiger Lily Blooms” five out of five stars. The story’s plot and the author’s style of writing is full of twists and turns that kept us on our toes with wonderings of what would be uncovered next in this dramatic suspense. The story shines a light on the realization of a black woman’s struggle to be treated and viewed as equal to their male counterparts in leadership and other positions throughout the military and society. This book invokes feelings of one’s ability to overcome challenges of life no matter what obstacles are put in your path. “When the Tiger Lily Blooms” will be a classic work of women fiction that will resonate to all audiences of reader worldwide.

· The good: A reader can emotionally connect to the lead character’s psychological struggles in dealing with a friend’s death, a traumatic event she encountered in the past, and her need to avenge these wrongs through acts of poetic justice.

· The bad: The story may be perceived by some readers as the glorification of murder and violence through the creative lens of storytelling and fiction.

· Is it worth the buy: Absolutely. This work of fiction could easily be the beginning of a much-sought-after dramatic suspense series that would be enjoyed by adult readers of all backgrounds, ethnicities, and gender.

· Rating: five out of five stars.




Heidi Riley-Ancar
The AAMBC Journal

I am a visually impaired PhD graduate, wife, mother and grandmother who likes to express her inner goddess through storytelling and creative writing.