Exercise as Therapy

The body really does keep the score

Zachary Phillips
The Abundance Mentality


In my dreams I was always uncoordinated and weak. I would struggle to move or walk. I would get attacked and feel defenceless.

Despite my now adult stature, and martial arts training I felt tremendously vulnerable. So much so that my subconscious seemed to project it to me on a nightly basis. A carry over from trauma no doubt.

But, since I have been lifting daily, this has ended. My dream self is strong, coordinated and able to defend itself.

It is interesting to me to see the lag between my real world actions and my subconscious response. Healing truly takes time, but it is possible. And the body really does keep the score.

I know my core is where I hold a lot of it. Whenever I stretch my lower back, or do squats/abdominal work, I am liable to have minor levels of PTSD like symptoms.

Nothing major, but they are there. DOMS is a challenge for sure. But exercise and strengthening and stretching is helping me to process and work though those symptoms in a healthy way.

Best part is, I’m getting stronger than I have ever been in my entire life 💪



Zachary Phillips
The Abundance Mentality

Intuitive Guide. Poet. Shadow Hunter. Coach. I help entrepreneurs navigate dark nights of the soul & find peace.