How to Overcome Fear by Becoming Comfortable Letting Ourselves Be Who We Are

Living every day the best we can in harmony and sense of security

Elena Cooper
The Abundance Mentality
4 min readApr 26, 2022


Image by Michael Gaida from Pixabay

Worries and uncertainties are coming from fear of living. The fear of being who we are on the daily basis. This creates doubts — as the result of deep uncertainties and emotional vulnerability. We all have doubts. They’re what make us human. But they can also hold us back from living in harmony.

If we allow doubts to enter our minds, they can control us and keep us from reaching our full potential.

So how can we survive and evolve from these fears? How can we become secure and emotionally stable individuals?

How to help ourselves out of fear

The first step is to understand that FEAR is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real. In other words, it’s an illusion. It’s not real. It’s just a product of our imagination. We create fear by choosing to direct our minds where we feel weak — rather than strong and courageous. Often, we unconsciously chose to sabotage our spiritual well-being.

Once we realize that, we can begin to see fear for what it really is: a Thief of our time, Energy, Attention, Resources, and Dreams. Fear robs us of the things that matter most in life.

But we don’t have to let it control us any longer. We can take back our power by facing our insecurities and worries head-on. We can use fear as fuel to drive us closer to our goals and dreams. And we can change the way we think about it — so that it no longer has a hold over us.

It is possible to survive and evolve from emotions born out of fear. We can change to become secure and emotionally stable individuals. Later, we can share our experiences to help others…

Image by Andre Mouton from Pixabay

Finding a way out of ignorance

To change, we must first understand our fears and worries. We must identify the root causes of these emotions in order to come out of it. Once we know the root causes, we can begin to work on changing them. We can replace them with positive and constructive thoughts.

Our brain can be rewired anytime we allow it.

This may involve seeking therapy or counseling, working on our self-esteem, or changing our thinking patterns. Whatever the case may be, it is important to remember that change is possible.

We can survive and evolve from uncertainties and worries. We can become secure and emotionally stable individuals. When we do this, we will find peace, and our life will become permanent harmony.

Image by Simon from Pixabay

Finding courage

Living a life of courage and self-confidence requires us to embrace who we truly are at our core. This means believing in ourselves and our abilities, as well as being open to new experiences and opportunities.

It also means fostering a love for ourselves and the joy that comes from living life on our own terms. The key to living with courage and confidence is learning to cultivate harmony within ourselves, nourishing not just our minds and bodies, but also our spirits.

By doing so, we can become fully present in each moment, appreciating both the good times and the challenges that come our way.

Furthermore, when you are secure in yourself and believe in your own worth, you are less likely to be swayed by other people’s opinions or judgments. This ability to be true to yourself inspires love and joy within you, creating an inner harmony that allows you to live fully in the present moment.

In short, living a life of courage and self-confidence is about embracing every aspect of who we are, finding fulfillment in the journey rather than seeking it solely from achievements or external sources. And through this process of growth and transformation, we can truly blossom into the powerful beings that we were born to be.

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Elena Cooper
The Abundance Mentality

Spiritual Adviser. Tarot Reader. Clinical Professional Hypnotherapist. Writer. Music Composer. Singer-Song-Writer. Survived abuse of violence for many years.