How to Join Our Team!

What you need to know to contribute!

The Academically Driven
The Academically Driven
3 min readApr 3, 2021


visual credit

Feel free to scroll down to the bottom of this page to get to our writer/editor application!

If you are someone with academic experiences that could be beneficial for others pursuing similar endeavors or just want to express your passions, please consider writing for us! If you want to revise someone else’s written expression, become an editor!

Please read this in its entirety.

General Requirements (there’s only one!)

  • You must currently be a middle or high school student to become a writer or editor.

Story Requirements

  • Do not include any inappropriate content that is not suitable for children.
  • Stories must relate to at least one of the six topics we support.
  • Must have at least one of the six tags that correspond to our supported topics. Feel free to include more than one of these tags if you’re story complies with multiple topics.
  • At least one visual should be included (for the story’s thumbnail); please add a caption under each image and hyperlink it with its source if you retrieved it from the internet; we suggest using free, high-quality stock images from Unsplash or Pexels.
  • A subtitle must be included in conjunction with your title.
  • There are no restrictions on what you can or cannot write about, as long as the main topic you’re writing about is academically oriented.

Becoming a Writer

  • A writer requires a creative mindset to express their academic advice yet maintain an interesting tone. Our articles are for students pursuing all academic endeavors, meaning that we are open to writers of all backgrounds. Our publication is the perfect place for writers wishing to express their academic interests while inspiring other students to pursue their dreams.
  • A writer should have a deep proficiency in grammar, spelling, word choice, and flow.

Becoming an Editor

  • An editor needs to thoroughly revise material before it is published, making various edits and other changes. Editors have to be proactive, responsible and have to work together as they decide how to split their job.
  • You will need extreme proficiency in grammar, spelling, proper word choice, and vocabulary.
  • Editors must have exquisite reading abilities to revise articles efficiently and effectively.

Story Tagging

We support publishing stories under six main topics: technology, science, engineering, student life, sociology, and miscellaneous.

As a writer, when you send us a story for review, you will need to include at least one of the tags that we support, or your story will not show up on our page when published. Tags are case-sensitive!

All these topics are listed in the navigation bar on our homepage.

(Topic: Tag)

Technology: Technology

Science: Science

Engineering: Engineering

Student Life: Student Life

Sociology: Sociology

Misc: Miscellaneous (but still related to academics)

As long as one of these tags is attached to your story, you can add any others you like!

That’s it! Now all you have to do is fill out this application! Welcome to our team; we truly appreciate your willingness to contribute!

Write your mind, or read others’. Visit The Academically Driven!


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Facebook: @theacademicallydriven

LinkedIn: The Academically Driven

Twitter: @AcademicallyThe

