Internet Is a Right, Not a Privilege

With increasing reliance on the internet, it is crucial that more people are provided with free internet access

Durga Dham
The Academically Driven
3 min readFeb 2, 2022


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As of this second, there are 4.66 billion online internet users globally, which is approximately sixty percent of the Earth’s entire population. This includes hundreds of students around the world who’re working on their homework using their electronic devices. The internet has been the mode of daily communication and a library of knowledge ever since its appearance in the 1990s. From messaging our friends to sorting through online sources for research papers, the internet has been the basis of every modern human being’s actions. Due to its ubiquitous nature, the internet should be a basic right as it can help the countless people who rely on the internet for their endeavors and is possible to provide free of cost.

Most people’s main source of information and the daily news is the internet. In fact, nearly twice as many people prefer getting their news from the internet compared to physical modes. Therefore, free internet would relieve the burden of paying for internet services for a large number of people. Moreover, as the internet is arguably the most convenient and fastest way to receive the news and critical information, more people having access to the internet would lead to a more informed population and a more knowledgeable society overall.

Free access to the internet could help students be academically successful. Students’ reliance on the internet has been increasing since it provides students with information, educational resources, and enriched opportunities. Especially in the age of a global pandemic, we all know how important the internet can be, seeing that school has been made entirely online and our computer screens have become our classrooms. Many students have been and still are attending school online, and need reliable internet access to receive a proper education. However, approximately two-thirds of the financially disadvantaged students do not have internet access. Free internet access has become an issue of educational equity as so many students suffer because of their financial background and cannot receive support. No student deserves to be left behind and deprived of their academic potential because of the internet barrier. The internet should therefore be free so that all students have sufficient resources for an equal chance at a successful education.

Finally, the internet should be free merely because it can be. Many countries throughout the world have already started to take measures to improve internet access after realizing their citizens’ need for internet connection. For example, the Indian State of Kerala has given free internet access to its citizens as a human right. In addition, the United States has allocated sixty-five billion dollars to provide more internet access to low-income households throughout the country.

With increasing government budgets allocated for technology and the internet, it is only a matter of time before more countries follow the footsteps of places such as Kerala and America, providing free internet access and a new, improved quality of life to so many human beings.

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