How Can I Self-Start My Study of Philosophy?

Charles Gray
The Academy of You
Published in
5 min readApr 12, 2020


Photo by Ehud Neuhaus on Unsplash

Philosophy was the entire curriculum of the first institution of higher learning in the West: Plato’s Academy. The highest degree awarded in many fields of university study is a Ph.D. or Doctor of Philosophy.

To some people, the study of philosophy is somehow the paradigmatic or defining university study, and they feel that they would like to know more about it or even begin a serious engagement with it, but they are not sure how to get started.

As a study, philosophy seems so old, so Greek, so idly intellectual, or just too intimidating, so many would-be Socrates are reluctant to ask about it.

So, now that you have asked, in your heart anyway, how to get started in philosophy, I think I can point you in the right direction.

First, a little vocabulary. An important part of finding your way around a course of study, as it is in finding your way around a new country, is learning the language, so I’m going to give you four words plus one (“philosophy” itself) to get you started.

“Philosophy” comes from Greek, and it means something like “love of wisdom.” That’s all it really takes to be a philosopher; you have to love the truth. That is easy to say, but much more difficult to live.

