Hillary Forgot Who She Worked For

Roger M. Woodbury
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2015


Oh, I so wanted to cut her some slack. I surely did. I wanted to believe in her heart-felt earnestness. I wanted to believe she was truly a saint and immune to the mere vicissitudes of banal humanity. Oh, I wanted to believe that somewhere inside the Beltway there existed someone who could wear the white armor of an American Saint Joan. I was willing to believe it might have been Hillary.

Now we have this “scandal” from Washington, the city that loves its scandal creation more than Hollywood. This one involving Hillary though is far more serious. It has destroyed my fervently desired image of Hillary, in white armor, crusading for truth, justice and the American way. But the simple fact that Hillary hid emails from us all in her private server tells me everything I need to know about her. It tells me that she is not worthy of, nor could ever fit in that white armor; that even her touch would bring it tarnish.

Hillary has displayed one single aspect that renders her unsuitable for any further presence in the government of The United States of America. While functioning as Secretary of State, she succumbed to the “Great, Inside-the-Beltway-Malaise”: she forgot who she worked for.

Hillary was asked to serve as Secretary of State by the President of the United States. She was then approved and deemed worthy of that job by the Senate. At that point she became something very important. No, not “Madame Secretary”. She wasn't the “Secretary of Hillary”. She wasn't the Secretary of the “Great Clinton Experiment in Governmental Finesse and Showmanship.” She was the Secretary of State of the United States of America. That means from the time of her confirmation forward, everything she did, every utterance, every email, every trip, every BlackBerry notation belonged to her employer.

And who exactly was her employer? Why, it was ME and YOU and everyone else who is a citizen of these United States of America. And if Hillary has hidden one utterance made while she was OUR EMPLOYEE, then she has at a minimum betrayed the trust placed in her when her employment was confirmed.

There are many of those who feel she should be cut some slack. After all, hasn't she promised to release those pesky emails, secreted in HER private server? Well, yes, I guess so. We’re also asked to consider that her memory of every little thing was somehow suspect to her, ergo she wanted to be keep her emails on her private server so she could more truthfully and easily remind herself….blah, blah, blah…sure!

But the other side of that is the job of Secretary of State is very important and if Hillary’s memory is so frail that she needed to keep her official email correspondence hidden from US, the employer of first notice, then perhaps, just perhaps Hillary is too frail to be entrusted with any official duty of this Nation again.

Perhaps the demands the job were such that it allowed Hillary to indulge the illusion of absolute power which then corrupted absolutely, her apparent, noble, heart-felt earnestness.

August 15: POST Script

Now it seems Hillary has released her private server to the FBI for analysis. And pretty much as expected after the length of time since this private email server business came to life, it seems the hard drive has been wiped clean. Perhaps not even the FBI can find out if she really did expose classified material of any import on her private server.

But it doesn’t make a particle of difference. It isn’t WHAT Hillary put on her private email server, it’s all about that she did it at all. She broke her pledge to the people of The United States of America by operating privately on public business. This evidences directly that Hillary doesn’t understand her role as a public servant, an employee of The United States of America.

Either that, or this ambitious politico feels empowered and is entitled to rewrite all the concepts of a democratically elected government to suit her whim.

Any intelligent voter would have to wonder what other kinds of function as President she would feel entitled to play fast and free with after most of the White House staff had gone home for the night.



Roger M. Woodbury

Roger M. Woodbury is a Maine writer. He’s done a bunch of things now just pondering and writing rambling thoughts from rural Maine.