How Sports Fans Are Basically a Glorified Cult (But Way More Fun)

Don’t start hitting me with your foam finger quite yet!

Millennial Mom
The Accidental Wordsmith
4 min readFeb 7, 2024


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Picture this:

Millions of grown adults
Faces painted in war paint
Screaming themselves hoarse, over…checks notes…guys throwing a ball around?

Sounds like a cult gathering, right?

Well, put on your foam fingers because that’s basically what Super Bowl Sunday is for the truly fanatical fans.

Before you scoff at me and declare sports heresy, hear me out. I’m not (and never was) into the jersey-wearing, tailgating, team chanting scene,


Watching actual extreme fans sometimes gave me FOMO. They looked like a tight knit community and so passionate about one thing. And who wouldn’t want to belong in a group so fun (and slightly terrifying)?

With the Super Bowl coming up this Sunday, you know I had to talk about this 😅

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Cult Characteristics Compared to Fanatical Fans

Cults, as charming as they are *cough Jonestown cough*, have some key characteristics you might be familiar with. Some of these, coupled with fanatical sports fans, are uncanny.

  1. Charismatic Leader: Every cult has one, right? The one they look up to with unwavering devotion and revel in every word they say with blind loyalty.

In sports, they have coaches, legends, and superstars. Have you ever seen a fan’s reaction to Tom Brady scoring a touchdown? It’s like he solved world hunger! Seriously, try telling a die-hard Brady fan he’s not the GOAT and see what happens (but really, don’t do that) 😆

2. Shared Belief and Ritual: Cults thrive on a shared set of beliefs that bind them together. Believe it or not, sports fans have rituals too. You already know what they are:

  • Tailgating. It’s like Thanksgiving 2.0
  • Synchronized chants/team mantras.







  • “Lucky” jerseys passed down at least 3 generations
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3. Us vs. Them Mentality. As most of us know, cults divide the world into believers and outsiders. And to an extent, extreme sports fans do too.

  • You’re wearing the wrong color jersey? OUT
  • Didn’t paint your face? OUT
  • Didn’t bring tailgating food? OUT

At least they are loyal, I will give them that. No matter if their team loses a game, they’ll still come back next season wearing the same 30 year old jersey 😬

4. Strict Hierarchy. In a cult, the leader is at the top and the members are below, following the rules, obviously.

In sports, the “leaders” are the season ticket holders, die-hard supporters’ groups and lower members being the casual fans just dipping their feet in, so to speak.

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5. Emotional Manipulation and Control. Cults are known for manipulating and controlling members to keep them in the cult.

In sports, that’s also pretty common. I mean, have you seen a Super Bowl commercial? 😆 it’s $1 million or so PER commercial just to rouse some emotions from the viewers, TO KEEP THEM INVESTED.

When your team scores a touchdown, how do you feel? I don’t know about you, but I get a rush of adrenaline!

That victory high is pumping through my veins, and I’m so into it. And so help me, if they lose…

Let’s talk Super Bowl. We know millions upon millions of dollars will be spent on merch, tickets, travel, and food. The media and social medias will single handedly dominate all of TV and phones for that day. All to be part of the shared experience.

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Being A Sports Fan Is Fun.. To A Degree

Now, before you start picturing creepy ceremonies and chanting “We love the Chiefs! Travis and Tay-Tay forev — ”, let’s hit the brakes.

I mean, uh, what? Who said that? Not me 🙃

Sure, there are way too-close-for-comfort parallels (but maybe with a whole lot more nachos and less creepy vibes). Being a sports fan is mostly fun!

It’s that camaraderie of belonging to something bigger than yourself (even if that something is a bunch of men running in tights).

So this Sunday, when you’re painting your face into oblivion, and screaming your lungs out, remember this:

You’re not just a fan. You’re part of a glorious, slightly delusional, totally awesome cult (without the brainwashing hopefully)

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

So now, who are you rooting for??

Let us know in the comments!

Please be kind and civil. Win or lose, we’re all in this crazy face-painted, tailgating fandom together 🤘🏽

Til next time!



Millennial Mom
The Accidental Wordsmith

general musings from a millennial mom and wife. With a side of humor and self-deprecation. Join my new publication: The Accidental Wordsmith