5 Unsaid rules of Networking on LinkedIn

Riddhi Karbhari
The Accouting Glutton
3 min readDec 8, 2018

Networking is a proven strategy that can further your career. With LinkedIn having 562 million users as of September 2018 it is the winning social media tool for business networking. Gone are the days to wait for the next local networking event, seminar or uncomfortably cold call people in search of that desperately needed contact/connection. Whether you are trying to grow your reach, find content, looking for insider advise, explore opportunities or recruit talent, this virtual meeting place is for you. By knowing how to network like a pro on LinkedIn, you can further your career from the comfort of your home.

So what are the unsaid rules to follow while networking on LinkedIn that can skyrocket your career? Check out these tips that will save you from being ghosted by your connections. Ignore them and you’ll be blocked and made a pariah. Follow them diligently and you can meet wonderful people and propel yourself down the path to networking success.

Photo by Alexander Gilbertson on Unsplash

— Do treat your profile as important as your resume. Keep it professional. Use an appropriate profile image and put in complete and up-to-date information. Remember the first impression is the last impression and your profile is your first impression. You will be surprised to know that LinkedIn profiles with professional headshots get 14 times more profile views.

— Don’t randomly send connection requests, learn about the connection. Be ready to explain why they should connect with you. Having said that I don’t mean to say add only those connections you know personally. Do add people you don’t know but you wish to know. There has to be a purpose to connect to someone. It can be as simple as you willing to know more about them and their experiences in a particular field.

— Do Keep it only to professional activities. Of course, you can share your personal achievements or hobbies but you need to draw a line and distinguish between what is professional and what is personal. This professionalism makes LinkedIn different from most social media platforms like facebook, twitter etc.

— Don’t use the shortcut or SMS language while messaging or posting on LinkedIn. Correct and proper use of business language and grammar are equally important. This point may seem futile but I am surprised by how many times some of my new connections have messaged me just “hi, how r u?”. No preceding background about themselves or an introduction. How likely do you think is someone going to reply to such uninterested and effortless connection?

— Do read peoples profile — do not ask them questions which are clearly mentioned in their profiles it shows how you are disinterested in nurturing a professional relationship and interested only in a very short-term need-based discussion. This also helps you ask relevant open-ended questions to your connections which make them warm up to you. Take the time to find common ground interests in your profiles and consider how you can bring reciprocal value. Keep the interactions continuous and genuine with your connections.

LinkedIn is not a chore that you have to keep up. This is the best networking tool available today, and it’s absolutely free. Dedicate real time and effort to make the most of your connections, and you’ll establish worthwhile long-term relationships that will skyrocket your career.

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