“LGBT+ Rep” and “Coming Out Story” Makes Some People Think “Yay, Orgies!”

My latest fiction work subjected to odd questions

Matt Mason
The Ace Space


A hand with the rainbow flag painted. A heart is drawn in the centre
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

If you follow me on social media (most active on Threads, BlueSky, and Instagram) you’ll know the thing I talk about most there is my books! I don’t tend to discuss them here so much. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just the subjects I write about here tend to exclude my fiction. I also don’t want to sound too salesy or use articles as a thin veneer to try to flog my books.

That said… my biggest selling title is a fun, funny, low fantasy cosy mystery series called Salmonweird. It’s essentially Death in Paradise set in a fictional ghost village in Cornwall. But being a shameless horror writer, I’ve already jumped genres within that universe and released a short story collection called Spooky Salmonweird. That collection gave me more dark fantasy and horror spinoff ideas which I’ll be exploring in the coming years. The first is called Shadows of Cathedral Lane, and features a side character from the third Salmonweird book in a dark paranormal mystery.

Shadows of Cathedral Lane is the first project I started writing after coming out as demisexual. I decided that the main character (a bisexual woman) should also be demi. Part of the story focuses on that process of coming out as she…



Matt Mason
The Ace Space

Creatively curious lifelong writer. I use Medium to discuss asexuality, childfree living, Doctor Who, and sometimes even politics - not all of it serious.