*Enthusiastic* Consent Shows the Limits of LGBTQIA+ Allyship

For some, it stops before they get to the “A”

Matt Mason
The Ace Space


Threads started off as a much kinder and relaxed answer to Twitter while that site lurched to the far right. Due to its algorithmic approach to who and what gets seen and what doesn’t, some of the old Twitter tactics (rage bait, shit posting, and virtue signalling) are all enabled and even encouraged.

Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash

For some reason, the discussion about enthusiastic consent came up no fewer than three times in January. It wasn’t clear how it started, but like many other subjects it is a convenient flash point and bandwagon for everyone else to jump on.

You know the debate by now: if it’s anything less than enthusiastic consent, then it’s coercion, and coercion = sexual assault.

Who wants to be accused of sexual assault? Not even people who have used coercion to get what they want from someone sexually would claim they were all in favour of sexual assault. And so, everyone jumped on the bandwagon to declare that they aren’t guilty of coercion or sexual assault.

Except the concept of enthusiasm is problematic for many aspec people, especially those who are sex indifferent or sex repulsed.



Matt Mason
The Ace Space

Creatively curious lifelong writer. I use Medium to discuss asexuality, childfree living, Doctor Who, and sometimes even politics - not all of it serious.