Where The Word ‘Demisexual’ Comes From

Elle Rose
The Ace Space
Published in
8 min readJan 3, 2023


A background of purple and pink flowers, mostly blurry. On the right side there is a semi-transparent black square and the title of the essay, “Where The Word ‘Demisexual’ Comes From”, by scretladyspider AKA Elle Rose.

Conditional sexual attraction. Rare sexual attraction. Sexual attraction that only forms under a specific circumstance.

Confusing, wibbly-wobbly, sexual attraction type… stuff.

There are a lot of experiences under the gray area between allosexuality and asexuality that are difficult to put words to. Having words and language for these experiences can be helpful, but sometimes the words don’t exist yet. We have to create words to describe what we’re already experiencing.

The experience isn’t new; naming it is.

Demisexuality is a word for an experience that already existed but was not named.

This is a history of where the word demisexual came from.

What is demisexuality? (and other terminology)

For the uninitated, we should go over basic terminology. Those who are already familiar with said terminology may decide to scroll to the next section.

Demisexuality is a sexual orientation underneath the umbrella of asexuality. Asexuality is experiencing little to no sexual attraction, with some experiencing no sexual attraction to anyone else, and others experiencing low levels of sexual attraction or experiencing sexual attraction under a specific circumstance.



Elle Rose
The Ace Space

queer. demisexual. ADHD. disabled. writer. YouTuber. shy but chaotic. they/she. contact: secretladyspider@gmail.com