Intro Letter

Amy Lu
ACF Coram Deo
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2019

Dear reader,

Welcome to the first article of the ACF Coram Deo! In this letter, we hope to introduce our vision for this journal and encourage you to take part in this creative adventure.

Some background on the name of this journal: Coram Deo is Latin for “before the face of God.” We believe that this short phrase captures the essence of the Christian faith. Through Christ, we are freed to live the rest of eternity in the presence of God, under the authority of God, and to the glory of God!

Imagine if all of ACF approached life with this Coram Deo mindset. There would no longer be any distinction between faith, academics, and social life, or between the sacred and the secular. Instead, there would be true unity: every aspect of our lives poured out in sacrifice and every detail bearing the fingerprints of God’s handiwork. Living before the face of God means to live in constant awe of His divine artistry.

“…in Your light we see light.” Psalm 36:9

In view of something so real and beautiful, how could one hold back from bursting out in praise? This is where the ACF Coram Deo comes in. Our aim is to be a place where people may share reflections and realizations about faith so real that they just can’t keep to themselves any longer. What sets the ACF Coram Deo apart from any other community blog is that our writing is inspired by and written with the purpose of living in God’s presence. We envision this journal becoming a collection of praises, laments, intellectual dialogues, poems, essays, drawings, and literally any other form of creative expression, all centered around the Christian faith. In God’s light, there is beauty in the thrilling joys and simple pleasures of life, as well as in the painful, drawn-out sufferings and mind-shattering doubts that we endure. To our fellow brothers and sisters, as well as those still questioning Christianity, we welcome you to express all this and more in this journal.

Additionally, we recognize that the Christian faith stems not only from personal experiences and social influences, but also intellectual reasoning. In the ACF Coram Deo, we do not shy away from skepticism, but boldly welcome it, as the Truth ought to remain true from all angles. Not all writing needs to contain answers. We hope for this blog to foster honest, rational discourse on God’s word and reasons for faith.

“…If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31–32

A few logistical points: to submit writing, photography, or artwork fill out this form to send us your piece or to be added as a permanent contributor on Medium. We have no requirements on what we publish (given that it is appropriate and relevant), so do not hesitate to submit. Remember that you always have the option of posting anonymously. Alumni are very much welcome to contribute as well. Also, we plan on documenting the ongoings of ACF in a monthly(?) newsletter on this site, so stay tuned!

As always, please contact any of us with questions, concerns, or comments.

In Christ,

ACF Cell Leaders 2019–2020

