The AdEx Ad Tech Roadmap: What to Expect from Our Platform in 2020

Vanina Ivanova
The Ambire Wallet Blog
2 min readNov 1, 2019

As the AdEx platform evolves, so does our vision about it. We are exciting to offer our users an ad network that will meet and exceed their expectations — and most importantly, one that does not unnecessarily complicate running ads.

It’s time to revisit the AdEx roadmap and let you know what’s coming in the near future.

Q4 2019

  • Improvements to the AdEx Explorer: Right now, our Explorer gives sufficient information but it looks a bit rough. We will improve the way it looks, and we aim to add more data points to it as well.
  • Option to edit ad slot targeting: Currently, ad slots can’t be edited once created. Later on, we will enable editing the targeting settings for these slots.
  • Consolidating funds on balance and on channels: We will be consolidating the funds on the account balance and on channels to enhance withdrawals.

Q1 2020

  • AdEx gets out of private beta and opens to the general public: We will remove the invite requirement for the platform so that anyone would be able to sign up and start advertising and/or monetizing with AdEx.
  • AdEx Profile: The AdEx Profile will be a designated page for each end user where they’ll be able to set their ad preferences in order to receive more meaningful, better targeted ads.
  • Native ads
  • Rich media formats
  • Click tracking: We will introduce the CPC (PPC) model to go along with the CPM one we currently have.
  • Blacklisting options: Advertisers and publishers will be able to blacklist counter parties they are not happy with or are not profitable.
  • FIAT payments: The one feature you all have been waiting for — topping up your AdEx accounts with FIAT as an alternative to crypto.

Q2 2020

  • Simple analytics: Analytics to help advertisers optimize their campaigns and see the full picture of their CPMs, CVRs, CTAs and other abbreviations.
  • Registry/validator stack: The AdEx Registry will facilitate running validator nodes and will allow ADX holders to stake their tokens.
  • Editing and archiving campaigns and ad slots
  • More AdEx Explorer improvements
  • Targeting improvements

Q3 2020

  • Improved blacklisting options for advertisers and publishers: More granular options for building blacklists of advertisers/publishers you would rather avoid.

Q4 2020

  • Better fraud protection capabilities
  • Optional ENS usernames: Advertisers and publishers will be able to set ENS usernames instead of identity addresses for a better UX.


  • Email notifications and reports: Advertisers and publishers will be receiving email alerts for important events within their accounts.
  • Custom events: We will enable custom advertising events to be set in the platform to better suit the needs of advertisers.

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Vanina Ivanova
The Ambire Wallet Blog

A digital marketer & growth hacker. Fluent in 3 languages, yet often confused by human interactions. Maker of AdEx. Find out more on