Ameen Soleimani Joins the AdEx Advisory Board

We are delighted to announce that one more stellar expert has joined our team of advisors: say hello to Spankchain’s Ameen Soleimani

The Ambire Wallet Blog
2 min readDec 17, 2018


At AdEx, we highly value the insights, strategy and development input we receive from our advisors. This is why we are incredibly happy to have Ameen Soleimani join us in an advisory role.

We first met Ameen in person at ETHBerlin, but even before that we were aware of the great work he does — plus we’re big fans of Spankchain, a project that uses blockchain to empower the adult entertainment industry.

Ameen is described as a “decentralization lazer gun and likes to wield the blockchain like a weapon to destroy the legacy trusted institutions”. He has played a role in over $30M+ in token sales — including the fastest ICO in history.

In the past, he has contributed to another project that tackles the issues of advertising and uses decentralization to solve them. This is why we felt that it would be important to bring him in to help AdEx grow the way it is intended to. Ameen will be consulting on the development, as well as on strategy and adoption.

Fun fact about Ameen: he has worked as an intern at NASA. That’s what we call a stellar start of a career (pun intended) — so to the stars and beyond!

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