4 Simple Truths That Help Me Get Along With My ADHD
The facts that make having a faster-than-normal brain a little bit easier
I thought I had ADHD for about five years before being formally diagnosed. I still remember the day my mom suggested that it might be what was ruining my freshman year of college, and she was right.
My ADHD is a mixed bag. It’s a blessing, a curse, and something that is oftentimes finding running both the best and worst parts of my life.
“You can perform at the highest level, feeling incompetent as you do so. You can be loved by many, but feel as if no one really likes you. You can absolutely, totally intend to do something, then forget to do it. You can have the greatest ideas in the world, but feel as if you can’t accomplish a thing.”― Peter Shankman, Faster Than Normal
Thankfully, through some work with my doctor, a therapist, and some years of self-experimentation, I’ve learned a thing or two. These aren’t jaw-dropping or life-altering thoughts, just a few simple truths I’ve learned about living life with a faster than normal brain.