Write for The Neurodivergent Spot!

Charlotte "Chuck" Webster
The Neurodivergent Spot
2 min readDec 11, 2023

If you’d like to write for The Neurodivergent Spot, please comment your Medium user ID on this article, and I’ll add you as a writer! All submissions from writers will be screened and may be rejected for publishing.

Our mission is to provide high quality, actionable Neurodivergent content.

If your submission is not specifically actionable, it should be meaningful when looked at through a neurodivergent lens. Posts on this publication will be vetted for writing quality, engaging content, and usefulness.

Any articles you submit should pertain to these subjects:

  1. ADHD
  2. Autism
  3. Tourettes
  4. OCD
  5. Learning Disabilities
  6. Mental Health
  7. Exercise and Neurodivergents
  8. Productivity (through a neurospicy lens)
  9. Productivity Apps
  10. Hyper Focus Management
  11. Becoming a Person of Action

I specifically mention ADHD, Autism, Tourettes, and OCD, because many people have one or more of these neurospices… like Neuro All Spice. And we want to give all the spices our love and support.

Please join us in our quest to accept our special brains and to learn to work with them not against them.

My original inspiration for creating this publication was to post an article series on my own personal task and knowledge management system and how I conquered my own battle with inaction and becoming what I call a Do-er. A person of action.

Sometimes difficult tasks in our lives are in castles guarded by dragons, surrounded in mental moats we dig ourselves. My main goal for this publication is to give people real solutions to bridging the moats we build in our minds and slaying the dragons that hold us back from action.

Eventually, my entire moat-bridging, dragon-slaying project will be posted here and will provide 20 to 30 articles of actionable content for our readers. It is my intention to write the entire article series prior to posting a single article for it, because I want it to age. I want to prove to myself that this system is fully functioning and fully sustainable for someone who has trouble sustaining change.

If you’re ever interested in ADHD Body Doubling (or just body doubling in general), email me at ChuckTheWebster@gmail.com, and comment here. I’ll link the Discord Server I made so we can all gather together in person and co-work in Discord video chat rooms together! Body doubling is pretty much just people keeping each other company because it’s hard for us to get things done when we’re alone.

Much love, Divergent Babes!




Charlotte "Chuck" Webster
The Neurodivergent Spot

Hello! I'm Chuck, a retired Naval Officer turned software engineer and grad student studying Artificial Intelligence