Pro-Semitic Palestine Identity Politics

The Semite
The Adl
Published in
Dec 13, 2022

Morocco hails support of Palestine as pro-semitic.

Anytime anyone in anyway affiliated with Israeli politics, including those associated with US politics, mentions semitism, I immediately think of the semitic people of Palestine.

Jawad El Yamiq(

The connection that Moroccan footballers feel that they have to Palestine is political, just as it is innate according to World Cup fans; “Palestine is in our blood. The love for Palestine runs in our veins.” Not only is conflating Palestine with anti-semitism a stretch, supporting Palestine is pro-semitism.

PROTESTING OUTSIDE a meeting of the British Labour Party’s National Executive, which was set to discuss the party’s definition of antisemitism, in London in September 2018(Reuters)

To consider the inflated, extended definition of semitism is against judicial ruling. Former DW journalist Farah Maraqa and six-coworkers have recently had a case against them based on the discredited IHRA definition of the term dismissed as “legally unjustified”.



The Semite
The Adl
Editor for

Historiographically and journalistically, this is as far as I am concerned.