What is VR

Imagine that your holding on for dear life at the international space station trying to connect a vital new piece of equipment to ensure your crews survival, and then all of a suden you drop the crutial part into the oblivion of space never to be seen again. Wouldn't it have been nice if you could have trained in a realistic way to the space atmosphere with realistic surroundings and tools like say in a VR video game. Opportunities in Virtual reality (VR) make it so what used to be a unique experience can be shared with all, and the opportunities that come from VR can make it easier to train and connecet with your surroundings.

How it Works

Virtual reality is a quite simple process actually you take a camera that can shoot in a 360 degree field download it into some video editing software and grab a headset which realays the video allowing you to look around and feel like your in the video. Of course its been modified for use in video games and other media platforms but for our sake we will stick to this method.

What Could You Possibly Do With VR

Okay I know the idea of VR in business is kind of out there but in a industry where communication is everything and multinational business is everywhere we need to be on the cutting edge. Imagine you have a company based out of Buffalo New York, and your son has his last soccer game at noon but you have a crucial business meeting at 9 am. What if they set up a 360 degree camera and a video cast and it would be like your sitting right there allowing you to look at all your peers while talking and communicating in multiple countries at once. This could allow us to be in multiple locations at once seeing and experiencing everything. Okay I know that idea sounds a little far fetched but lets think of a more practical usage. I think we need to think about the most beneficial thing to VR its that you can look and inspect everything while being in a different location. Go back to the space example if you were able to explore the outside of the station with a VR drone and see exactly what you were doing before hand that could increase the success of the job. Or if you had too inspect the outside of sky scrapers in New York City these potentially risky jobs can all be eliminated by letting someone be submerged into the life of VR and inspect there surroundings from a safe location. In reality the VR business is sky rocketing bringing in 4.6 billion dollars in 2017 so there is obviously people grasping the ideas of augmented reality, and that can lead us to a promising future, with endless buisness opertunities.

Infographic — Virtual Reality Stats. (2016, July 08). Retrieved September 29, 2018, from https://touchstoneresearch.com/infographic-virtual-reality-stats/

