#theFridayFeature — Raveen Gaikwad

Amey Pandit
Published in
5 min readNov 10, 2017

“Nothing beats hard work. Not even talent.”
- Raveen Gaikwad

Raveen Gaikwad — One of the four nationally selected Official ZCOM™ volunteers for 2017–18.

“You know, Raveen has, very candidly shed light upon two very important things about myself, which I was never aware of,” our (mine/Raveen’s) mutual mentor began telling me probably for the hundredth time. “Firstly, he said that Sir, the reason you are not getting work is because people are intimidated by your presence. Your knowledge is too much for the layman to fathom.” Whenever I would hear that, a spur of jealousy would run through my veins — simply because the thought was truly tremendous, and also because I would wonder why it hadn’t occurred to me. A 45-year old confessing to the world about what he learnt from a 23–24 year old was a commendable compliment to the latter, and an uncommon trait of the former. “Secondly, he made me aware that my knowledge has vastness along with depth, a quality which not many possess. Frankly, for me, these were eye openers.”

Every time I brush past Raveen, his presence helps me lose fatigue and re-instill the ‘drive’ that is so often lost. The drive to explore, expand and excel. In a nutshell, the drive to live. If you already do not know who Raveen Gaikwad is, his profile alone would make you want to jump out of bed and surrender to the stars you’ve always seeked —

  • An Adfessional (A renowned name in the Pune’s advertising scenario)
  • A Licensed Zumba Instructor ( ZIN™, ZCOM™)
  • Bhumi Activist
  • Founder & Manager @ The Raveen Talkiez

When asked if time causes a hurdle in practicing several passions, he says,

“No. Time isn’t a problem, cause we always find time for things that we wanna do. The problem is not knowing how much of a priority to be given to what. Not everything can be equally important and not everything can happen at once. Just plan and prioritise accordingly.”

“I think nobody is born with a purpose, no ‘destined’ purpose. What we make of our lives is completely upon us.” — Raveen Gaikwad

My sole biggest learning that Raveen knowingly/unknowingly bestowed upon me would be the realisation of using the burning in the heart to light waves of productivity for the world around. Amusingly enough, he finds hours for a demanding job, produces the energy for conducting various Zumba classes, has the willpower to serve an NGO through his busy day never letting his learning curve fall by interviewing the most inspirational brains! Post the consuming day if you wish him to join in for a drink, attend a knowledgeable workshop/program, he would be as fresh as ever giving one hundred percent to every little moment that he’s a part of. To sum it all up, he’s 24/7 ever-exploring magnet who is always on his toes.

“‘Always’ would be an exaggeration. There are days when I just want to sulk and be in my bed. On most days, I’m driven by a future-imagery that has me basking in public adulation.”
- Raveen Gaikwad

Mind you, do not misinterpret his humongous work quantity for a dip in quality, because to top it all up, Raveen also manages to get featured in local magazines for seizing social responsibilities with utmost care.

Raveen Gaikwad featured in Citadel Pune for his work as a Bhumi activist.

Another important lesson that Raveen rewarded me with was the importance of being comfortable within your own skin. Meeting Raveen was a sheer act of serendipity, nature playing around with life. He’s the guy that introduced me to the neverending world of advertising. He’s always stressed on the importance of observing people and meeting new ones. Whenever I would ask him for a little hang out, he would just shrug and say, “It would be best if you could get your friends along. Observing has a got a lot to do with advertising.”

Raveen is a guy who’s filled with immense confidence backed with a wide array of knowledge. Being the well-read guy that he is, he thrives on the relevance of systematic work flow. A cherry on top, he’s someone who has accepted himself completely and wholeheartedly. In the couple years that I have known him, I have never seen him sulk over the personality that nature has awarded him with. Without a tinge of guilt, he carries on with tasks he wishes from the heart, unapologetically.

My first senior colleague ever, watching Raveen work stimulated my desire to rise to the best of my capabilities. He has been a major contributor in instilling and instigating a sense of purpose within me, not restricted to working environments but of life in general. A paramount part of his contribution would be his responsibility in introducing me to my then ‘would-be’ mentor.

“‘Purpose’ is way of giving/finding meaning to/in our meaningless lives. I think nobody is born with a purpose, no ‘destined’ purpose. What we make of our lives is completely upon us.”
- Raveen Gaikwad

Raveen Gaikwad interviewing Kapil Muzumdar on his book ‘The Coffee And The Cola’.

Thank You Raveen for being an immense inspiration to me and many others. Hope the dream that you are working towards is achieved shortly in the near future!

“People always think of us as rivals but he was among the very few I liked and even fewer that I respected. He remains the only person I envied.”
- Rush, 2013

Well, that’s all for today.

Keep reading, keep sharing and never stop believing!

“When I die I want to be like a real loss to the world.”
- Raveen Gaikwad



Amey Pandit
Editor for

"It's only words, and words are all I have to take your heart away." || Copywriter || Eklavya to @KapilMuzumdar ||