#theFridayFeature — Rohit Srivastava

Amey Pandit
Published in
4 min readJun 1, 2018

“If I really want to, I don’t waste time thinking. I just go ahead and do it.”
- Rohit Srivastava

The Young Entrepreneur.

I’m shy of meeting new people. Frankly, I’m just shy of people in general. It takes me huge amount of courage to dail and order a pizza. And thus, as we anticipated her friend’s arrival, I sat wondering who I’d be facing this time. The guy happened to be one of those who owned the Hinjewadi pub that we had just checked into. More of a reason to not want to meet him. All I could see around were rich kids high on affluence and arrogance who wore clothes that made me want to tear mine. Another one of those was the last thing I required. “He’ll enter wearing some expensive blazer and over the top trouser, isn’t it? And make me feel more miserable about myself.” “Are you mad?” was her prompt reply. “Oh! He’s here!” I glanced at the direction she was waving at. There stood a guy without air — spectacles over his eyes and ‘Being Human’ clothes beneath, which happened to be a T-Shirt and a Denim. He walked forth, shook my hand and confirmed his place on my blog. This is how I met Rohit for the first time.

I haven’t visited Publiq much, but every time I have it has been for my own selfish interests to meet Rohit and attempt to absorb as much as I can. No doubt the place is amazing with exquisite ambience and excellent aura, meeting him is much more worthy. And the prime reason for me saying so is because he loves what he does. Most people venturing into businesses that I meet either get into it for money, or for fame. Many venture because the family demands so. Rohit does so just for the sake of it.

I mean seriously, how many businessmen have you met who confess openly that they have trouble saving money?

“What I do is a tension filled job. And so, I don’t take any.”
- Rohit Srivastava

Being Human, literally.

Another striking factor about this young adult is his frankness. Despite the genius, he’s genuine. In the line that he is, it is considered essential to have ulterior motives and hidden intentions. What makes Rohit different is his indifference to these supposed compliances imposed by the society. It takes courage to possess a golden heart in the heartless world that he resides in. This unconventional quality about Rohit is surreal yet striking.

This doesn’t end here. Rohit also has the knack to see the bright side in people once he connects with them. Because he is real, he can compliment you on your genuine persona. If you are what you say and show you are, I’m sure you’ll encounter within Rohit a lifelong friend and confidant.

Aren’t people like him that shape the world and make it a better place?

“As you rise, more people meet you to use you.”
- Rohit Srivastava

Although he has all that one could wish for, Rohit constantly seems to seek within people a filler to his void of loneliness. If he considers you a friend, your visit would be an invaluable gesture that’ll stay in his memory for a lifetime. Simply because he can vent out what he can’t anywhere else. Every person is nice to you on the face, and thus, it becomes all the more difficult to judge who’s truly being friendly and who’s not.

And maybe, this is a reason why his feet are still on ground. No matter how high he flies, he doesn’t forget his roots. A wise guy once said that your brands are nothing but an extension of who you are, no wonder Publiq’s tagline reads ‘The People’s Place’.

“Saying sorry saves days of restlessness and loads of energy.”
- Rohit Srivastava

I may infinitely abhor his idol, but I endlessly admire this fan.

And oh, don’t forget to pay this place a visit. To ones staying near Hinjewadi, check it out here. The ones living in close proximity to Koregaon Park, click here. Drinks are routine, but I assure you you’ll love the food.

Thank You Rohit for being an immense inspiration to me, and I’m sure, to many others. Hope the dreams that you are working towards are achieved shortly in the near future!

“Turn your nightmares into your dreams,
some dreams don’t turn out the way you
want them to, then wake up and turn and
turn it around in your favour.”
- Salman Khan

Well, that’s all for today.

Keep reading, keep sharing and never stop believing!

“I don’t look at my job as work. It is essential to enjoy what you do.”
- Rohit Srivastava



Amey Pandit
Editor for

"It's only words, and words are all I have to take your heart away." || Copywriter || Eklavya to @KapilMuzumdar ||