Arabella and Tina have a night out in the hotel bar — In Arigni #70

Tina took one look at what her mother had decided to wear and said, with a big grin on her face, “I remember where you wore that last.”

Michael Thorn
The Adventures of Claud (without an e)


image of ribbed sand — chapter header
Photo by Nils Schirmer on Unsplash


Arabella and Tina were having a particularly busy Saturday at the cafe. They had both been rushed off their feet since opening.

“Sit down for a bit mum, you look shattered.”

“I’m fine. Honestly.”

“We’d sold the last of those delzina in the first hour today.”


“We should try and take more.”

Arabella was wiping surfaces behind the counter, only half-listening to her daughter.

“Have you noticed the coffee machine seems to be overheating?”

“We could leave a note with the bag requesting to double the order.”

“Tina, I think the coffee machine is a little more fundamental to our business than those delzina.”

Her mother looked drawn and harassed. A group of customers inside the cafe got up to leave.

Tina made sure she was the one who went over to clear the things.

